"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

The drive to work and other times to think

It takes me 30-35 minutes to drive each way to work each morning.  Most of the time, I just listen to the radio, but I am looking for a better option.  Books on disk are very cool, but also very expensive, so I have only listened to them on long trips.  I just went to the Wake County Public Library website and found they have 4844 Audio Disk titles.  Some of them are music disks, but it looks like the bulk of them are novels and non-fiction books.  I check out the audio CD’s whenever we go to the Holly Springs Library, but their selection is not so hot.  Today, I found that I can request them to be sent to the library of my choice online.  I have to get a PIN before I can do that, so that will be at the top of my priority list.  This is really great because, at this time in my life with the kids, work, and a million projects, I just do not have much time to get any reading done.  The other thing for which I think this will be great is when I am doing my workout in the exercise room at work.  They have a TV in there, but the two guys that get there before me always have the stationed tuned to The Price is Right.  I can feel my brain cells committing suicide before they are co-opted into the Borg from watching that show, so I am hoping I can drown it out with a good audio book while I am on the treadmill.


Being there


Last Day of School 2008-2009


  1. Kendall

    I use the Wake County Library online request system all the time, it works really well. Before I started carpooling, I’d also get audio books for my own commute.

  2. Dad

    Man, I need to compare notes with you on that. Did you buy the audio books or get them from the library?

  3. Ruthie

    Books on tape have been at the front of my children’s “read-aloud” program for YEARS! Not to say that I never read to my kids, I do, but they absolutely love to hear books on tape. I listen to some of them as well. Most of the people who read the books are brilliant, bringing to life the characters in a way that I NEVER could. Plus, I can no longer spend more than 15-20 minutes reading at night cause I will fall asleep! We always listen to books on tape as a family on trips rather than music.

    Our library system here has a large audio-book download program also. I have a friend whose mother bought several cheap MP3 players and she downloads books onto them and they circulate around the family and then she just records new ones and they do the rounds again. I have half-heartedly attempted this, but due to being somewhat technically challenged, I have not pursued it. Also, at that time, we did not have an abundance of Ipods or MP3 players in the house. We have a few now, so I really should take the time to figure it out….I am sure the kids could manage :). I am glad that you reminded me of this fantastic resource.

    I am currently reading The Agony and the Ecstacy by Irvine Stone – A biographical novel about Michelangelo. I would enjoy hearing it on tape. I should look into that.

  4. Catherine

    Like Kendall, I use the Wake County’s request system as well. Actually, we both probably use it almost exclusively as our personal book delivery service. But, I guess it’s not our fault the books we want are rarely at the library closest to us. When I’m reading something online and learn about a book I might want to read, I immediately search for it on the library website and the majority of the time it’s not at the HS Library so I request it. Once it has been delivered there, I go pick it up. Most of my time spent in the library is very in and out, not browsing since I do that online. Convenient!

  5. Kendall

    I got the audio books from the library. I only buy audio books if I find them on the bargin shelves…those things get expensive!!

  6. Dad

    This is very cool. I thought this topic was pretty boring when I posted it, but now I am reading what everyone in the comments while I sit at the Holly Springs Library. I have my coffee and they gave me my PIN so I can order books on line. I have already read the Agony and the Ecstasy, but I think an Irving Stone book would be a great first choice. I am thinking of Men to Match My Mountain or Lust for Life. I am hoping they have Three Cups of Tea in audio, too, as was recommended by both Catherine and Ruthie although that one might be good to read aloud to the kids. I too cannot compete with the narrators of 99.999% of the audio books, but still love to do it. I find myself reading fast because I want to know what happens next rather than reading with the right kind of intonation. Shame on me.

  7. Dad

    I put in for my first book!! It is Food for Fitness by Chris Carmichael!!! It looks great!

  8. Catherine

    Hmmm are you trying to steal my book I requested?!?

  9. Dad

    I thought it got there pretty quick–I checked only a few minutes after I requested it and there it was!

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