"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Summer slowdown? Maybe not

I do not know whether it is because the kids are a little older, but we seem to be accelerating our activities as we move into the summer.  It always seemed like we slowed down during summer break.  We had more time to go to parks, the library, the beach, and places like that just to relax.  This year, though, life seems to be going faster and faster.  The swim team has started, we are making plans for piano camp, a get-together in Charlotte, we will buy tickets for a trip to Oregon in August, Christian and I plan to help Troy install a server computer and camera in the Ag Engineering lab at NCSU, we have ordered Rosetta Stone French from Sonlight to start in the next couple of weeks, and on it goes.  We plan to keep reading aloud through the summer as that as when the kids work on their comic strips.  On top of all that, to meet our goals, Kelly and Christian both will continue with a couple of subjects each through the summer.  It will be a lighter load, but still, it takes time.  Christian has Geometry, Spanish, Guitar, and a little bit more History of Western Civilization while Kelly has Spanish, French, Precalculus, and Piano.  They should be able to finish all that up in 60-90 minutes per day and they want to keep going, so I do not feel bad about that at all.  At the same time, I want us to have some time to take a breath and get reinvigorated by doing nothing for at least a little while this summer.

Note:  Kelly did great on her Sociology CLEP test.  She is now a college sophomore.


BettyBlonde.com and Sociology CLEP


Working late before a three day weekend


  1. Kathy Carpenter

    Ha ha. When our children are small we think that when they can walk… when they are potty trained… when they are teenagers… etc, then they don’t need us as much and we will all have more free time. Not true. When they get older the kind of attention they need just changes. That’s life… it’s not a static journey. Just enjoy every stage and don’t wish the time away because you’ll never have that day/time with them again. And that’s my philosophical statement for the day. 🙂


  2. Dad

    Exactly, Kathy! I think part of the struggle is that another stage is starting which means I am going to really miss the previous stage and I really do not want to do that because, if I do, I will miss out on the joy of this stage. If you know what I mean?

  3. Karen

    Congratulations Kelly! Way to go!

  4. Kelly, that’s great!! You are an amazing example of how to study and really accomplish great things with it!

    Ken and Lorena, my hat is off to you for all you do for Kelly and Christian.

    Lynn ~:-D

    PS — Enjoy your weekend.

  5. Dad

    Thanks Lynn! We hope you have a great weekend, too!

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