"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

My Columbian hat

We got invited to a Cinco de Mayo get-together at the neighbors last week.  It was a great excuse to wear the straw hat my brother-in-law, Lauro bought for me while he was in Columbia.  I know a Columbian hat is not the optimal thing to wear when one is celebrating a Mexican holiday, but then Cinco de Mayo is not wildly by any Mexicans I know outside of the United States.  Before I started going down to Mexico a bunch about twenty five years ago, I though Cinco de Mayo was Mexican Independence day.  A friend disabused me of that notion explaining that the Cinco de Mayo celebration is about the Battle of Puebla when the Mexicans routed the French in 1862.  Mexican Independence Day is celebrated with “El Grito de Independencia” on September 16.  Notice the very cool guayaberra shirt my mother-in-law gave to me as a gift specifically for such occasions.  She also gave me a pair of muslin peasant pants to go with it.  I think Kelly looks quite pretty with the bright flower in her hair.  Christian wore a Mexican sombrero to make up for my Columbian hat.

The other picture is of Christian sitting by the computer and camera system we put together for our big project with Troy at North Carolina State University.  Christian did the bulk of the work.  Everything is pretty much ready to install in the Ag Engineering lab now.  We are just waiting for Troy and Youngin to get back from vacation.  The camera is VERY cool.  It is a weather-proof, wireless IP camera with infrared LED’s that come on when it starts getting dark.  We will be talking about this more as the project moves along.


Mothers Day weekend in North Carolina


The marketplace of ideas*


  1. Ruthie

    Yes, Kelly is indeed a beauty all by herself….only enhanced by the bright PINK flower in her hair. We are having a quiet week here at home. Emma, Mattisse and Shea are off to Catalina Island for a Marine Biology Camp with Mountain and Sea Adventures and so Peyton is the only one at home. I am going to start to walk a bit this week as my energy is still low after recovering from pnuemonia. We have made a preliminary schedule for Emma at the community college: Calculus, Chemistry, English Composition (you guys don’t have to worry about that – CLEP away!)and a literature class. 16 units should be enough for her first semester. We tried to chose courses that would fulfill GE requirements and that would cover areas of interest for her, so that she can transfer in 2 years.

  2. Dad

    It is great to hear that you up and around a little now Ruthie. We have thought of you often. Wow! Is this Emma’s first semester? It sounds like she is really going for it. That is very exciting. Sixteen hours is a good load for the first semester. Wish her the best of luck from all of us. That camp sounds AMAZING. I loved Catalina Island the one time I visited there. Thank you for the compliment about Kelly. I am sure she will have a comment here, too!

  3. H. E. Summey

    Seriously cool outfit Ken! 🙂

  4. Dad

    Thanks Hunter!

  5. Eric

    You look like awful lot like a strong left-wing dictator in that hat and shirt. have you ever thought about relocating to Mexico?

  6. Dad

    Actually, I am waiting for Raul and Fidel to pass on… Nothing like island living you know.

  7. Ruthie

    Emma will start CC in the Fall.

  8. Kelly is beautiful, with or without the flower, but I like the flower a lot. Ken, I like your hat and shirt, and I think Christian’s hat is cool! Thanks for sharing the picture. 8)


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