"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Homeschool update – 2009 April

Kelly’s big accomplishments for April included a couple of piano competitions and her CLEP US History II test.  After a month or so of work on the Thinkwell Precalculus program we have adjusted her schedule for completion a little to mid-year next year.  She likes the program a lot because it is giving her a good review of Algebra II from a different perspective and with some new and different techniques from the Teaching Textbooks Algebra II program we liked so much.  After Aunt Julia came to visit, she called us to encourage us to start into some volunteering.  Cousins Amy and Charlie have both been great at that and have both received and given great benefit by their participation.  One of our neighbor lady’s children attend the local, government elementary school.  She says there are some hispanic children who go to school there.  The lady has been kind enough to offer to see whether they would allow Kelly to volunteer there to help Spanish speaking children learn how to speak English.  We do not know whether it will work out, but we are excited about the prospect.

Christian is well into his Teaching Textbooks Geometry now.  It is hard to get the concept of proofs, but he is moving up the learning curve.  He is studying for his CLEP Western Civilization I test, but we have not decided yet whether he will take the test in May or June.  We will decide after he takes the practice tests from the REA study book a couple of times.  His plan is to work hard to get through Chapter 12 of C++ Primer Plus before the end of the school year.  That is because his volunteer work will be to work with Troy and I on our research project with the Agricultural Engineering Department at NCSU.  We need a server to act as an FTP site and a web server.  Christian will set up and manage that first.  After that, he will use his C++ programming skills to program a computer to control some servo motors, lighting, and pumps for the experiment we are tasked to perform.

Special note for Christian:  Imagine the incredible investigative skills required to crack this case.


A big project with Troy


Inking Betty


  1. Sounds like great volunteer work you’re looking at, for both kids. I always enjoy reading your homeschool updates. I’m really looking forward to the HS conference this year. There’s so much I want to see “in person.”


  2. Dad

    Lynn, we have never really been to a conference, but everyone here says the one in the Triangle is great. Do you know when and where it is happening?

  3. Immersion is, I hear, the best way to learn a language and that teaching is the best way to learn, so that sounds like a fantastic opportunity for Kelly.

    I look forward to your computer project updates too. It sounds rather involved [smile].


  4. Dad

    Immersion is great. Having grandparents, uncles, and cousins who do not speak English helps a lot, too. We are not so fortunate with any of the other languages we are considering.

  5. Anonymous

    Yes, volunteer work for the sake of volunteer work is extremely important. It is also vry important when they go to write those essays for college and to fill out thier college applications. Volunteer work weighs HEAVY. Try to have them participate in something that is already set up, but even more important is for them to start some sort of a volunteer organization, or to be the persone that heads something up on their own.

  6. Dad

    Boy that is in interesting comment. I will have to give the “start something” up thing some thought. That sounds like something right up Kelly’s alley, but, having had no experience at that, I will have to do a little reading. Thanks for the recommendations.

  7. Ken, the one in Winston-Salem is very nice. If you love books and curriculum, you could literally spend hours there. Here’s a link to info about in on the NCHE website.



  8. Ruthie

    Hi Ken,
    I was the anonymous poster…I am not sure why it didn’t say who I was, as it usually does. Terrible spelling, as I read it over.

  9. Dad

    Thanks Lynn! I will try to check this out.

    Thanks for the note Ruthie. It was great advise. As for the spelling. I look back at some of my posts and am aghast that they have been on public display for years now and still have bad spelling and grammar!

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