"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

Facebook meets Betty Blonde

In case you haven’t noticed, this week’s Betty Blonde is about Facebook. For those of you who don’t know, Facebook is a very addicting social-networking site where you post up photos and talk to your friends. People of all ages and backgrounds log on to it, making it a very interesting place to be. I’ve had an account since late August, and let me tell you, it is not easy to drag myself away from the computer when I’m adding more friends or looking at a new photo album. Facebook is not healthy in large doses I am sure, but there is much humor to be found within it’s blue and white pixelized walls.

For example, the ’25 Random Things about me’ craze. Like I said the other day, it’s spread like a wildfire since it requires you to tag 25 other people to do the same thing. They’ve been really fun to read, especially since a few of them are hilarious. Christian’s list being one of them. I may be biased, but I thought that his list was the most underappreciated one in the entire bunch. I just had to share it here. I didn’t understand some of the ‘segments’, but I’m sure that smart people like Troy or Catherine will.

25 Palatable Segments
by Christian

  1. Our kitty’s vet told us that one of our cats was 6 pounds overweight, while I read off the scale that she was actually 6.2 pounds off. We’re getting a new vet.
  2. I am totally confused by he rune-scape ‘assist’ system.
  3. I haven’t snail-mailed a letter to the free software foundation asking for my own copy of the GNU GPL, even though all of the software I install says I should.
  4. I am a Google conspiracy theorist only when I want to be. Sometimes. ~(0_o)~
  5. I am 1/5th of the way done with this crummy excuse of a post.
  6. My real name is not Klaus Fiedler. (Who knew!??)
  7. My bedtime is 9:00 but I usually get into bed by 9:30 because it take time to get ready for bed. Setting bedtime earlier is totally out of the question.
  8. My favorite color switches between heliotrope and flurple depending on what day of the month it is.
  9. The only Apple product I own is a firewire cable. ( Not counting Kelly’s iPod. )
  10. I laugh every time I hear the ‘In soviet Russia…’ meme even though I know it’s at least 10 years older than me.
  11. Same with Chuck Norris jokes.
  12. I can’t think of any more, so I will just stop at half and do the rest later.
  13. This is only half a fact, so if I leave this as an incomplete sentence
  14. I was the first person to operate the coffee grinder at the ‘Rays Foods’ grocery store in Albany, OR. Unfortunately, it broke down after 15 seconds of normal usage.
  15. Every time I drink out of an aluminum pop can I always attempt to drown the small amount of soda trapped inside by the ridge on the mouthpiece. I have never succeeded.
  16. I still cringe when I recall an embarrassing incident that happened 8 years ago involving me and some guy who is now long dead.
  17. I don’t always get a new toothbrush every 3 months.
  18. According to the Runescape community, ‘I died last Tuesday’
  19. I once thought that a less than proper word was a substitutable word for ‘the sound scissors make when they are cutting’
  20. I got a 99.9 % score on a math test once, but there were only 25 problems.
  21. I have only just realized (as of a few months ago) that the words ‘ghetto’ ‘holla’ and ‘chill’ have colloquial English meanings.
  22. Contrary to popular belief, I CAN-NOT out-cuss the Mexican on the street corner. Please stop asking me to recite Spanish swear words.
  23. I have only one pair of sage-colored pants.
  24. When someone IM’s me a texting acronym I am not familiar with, I quickly scamper away to look it up on the urban dictionary, and then go on with the conversation as if I already knew it.
  25. I have made several unpublished Betty Blonde comic strips deemed ‘too political to show publicly’
  26. When I went to a ball game with Dad once, I heard him use some simple baseball jargon in a conversation. I thought that ‘HR’ stood for ‘Human resources’

Oh, my mom just got a Facebook. If you have an account, then do add her as soon as possible. I don’t know how long it will last seeing that Dad is vehemently opposed to the whole social-networking thing. (And he’s the one with the almost-6 year old blog 😉 ) Everyone says that he should get a Facebook too, but being the Luddite that he is, he refuses. Ah well…


Programming projects


Changes at work


  1. Karen

    Thanks for posting Kelly – I would have missed it – and I really enjoyed it! — Would have been a shame to miss it! I’ll look for it on his facebook and leave him a mssg! The one problem with facebook – you almost have to go looking for some of this – too much so it doesn’t show everyone unless you absolutely have the time to live on it!

  2. I know exactly what you mean. It’s like I mean to read something, and then when I look for it again it’s gone, buried by a bunch of other things! 😀 Glad you enjoyed it. 🙂

  3. Catherine

    LOVED it! Thanks for sharing. I did get most of Christian’s 25 but not all. Christian, you’re one smart dude (sorry couldn’t think of a better word) and I can’t wait to see the cool things, which I’m sure I won’t understand, that you’ll do as you get older!!

  4. Kelly I’m loving Betty Blonde!! Especially this week!

    If you run out of material, let me know!!

    I’m having a blast on FB, and NO! I am not addicted. 😉 well… not too much.
    Are there levels of addiction? 😉

    If you start cartooning about Ryan who has no life, I’ll know it’s really me.

  5. ROFL!!

    I just got the joke in #20!

    Christian, you have issues! 😉

    I vote for Christian starting “Betty d’Bomb”

  6. Kelly, I have a facebook page, but I honestly always feel overwhelmed with all the programs and games I’m invited into. I have about 50 requests right now that I need to confirm or ignore. I’m frozen when I look at them. Other than that, I really just go by once in a while. My “fun” online stuff is blogging and my websites! I have to watch myself with time doing that!

    About that 25-list… Well, that is pretty amazing, actually. It really is.


    PS — Oh yes, we are really enjoying Betty Blonde!

  7. I know how that is… I usually just ignore all the game requests because they pile up very quickly and are not interesting at all. I think you are how Dad is with his blog! Chapman Kids Blog is basically Dad’s Facebook. 🙂
    Glad to hear that you are enjoying Betty Blonde!

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