It snowed pretty hard here in Raleigh last night–two or three inches in our neighborhood.  A couple more inches are expected during the day here.  My office put an inclement weather, delayed opening message.  i expect the office will be closed for the day.  Kelly is not feeling so well.  She says she has a cold, but we are a little bit suspicious that it might have something to do with the fact that she stayed up until two or three in the morning talking during the three days we were in Pigeon Forge

We had a fabulous good time in Pigeon Forge.  I was out of my league when it came to taking photos.  Joel and Ron both had really great Canon SLR digital cameras and knew how to use them.  I usually get one good photo out of every ten that I take.  Joel put up a bunch of photos on his Picasa website.  None of them were bad and there were a lot of them.  I will put some photos of our stay there up when I get a chance to download them both from Joel’s site and from our camera.

The weekend was very, very good for us.  We met with three wonderful homeschool families.  We spent a lot of time talking about life, eating, and just having a good time.  We went for a drive through a protected forest area on Saturday.  We saw lots of deer, but the most interesting thing for me was that I saw wild turkey for the first time.  We had a great meeting Sunday morning.  The kids drove go-karts, swam in the pool, played games, and talked.  It is so encouraging to meet new families like the ones we meet in Pigeon Forge.  The people were not only nice, it was obvious they were trying to do the best they could to raise their children right.  It was actually pretty humbling.

Pictures to follow.

Update:  10:45 AM and still snowing hard.
Update:  3:15 PM and still snowing.
Update:  3:25 PM and snow stopped.