"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

Day: January 5, 2009

Back to work

It’s back to work for Christian and I!  Yesterday night I scheduled my entire day out. It was perfect. I had everything so neat and orderly. Every homework assignment and meal plan in it’s place. And then I woke up this morning and blew it. I underestimated the time it would take me to finish my math assignment, I read the wrong science lesson, and I only got half of my CLEP practice test done with not very good results. But that is all to be expected! After all, it’s only the first day back on the job. And I can’t fool myself into thinking that this was a bad start to the new year. I did lots of good things today. I learned some very interesting things about genetics, I mastered a couple of really hard math problems, I didn’t get frustrated about my CLEP score (that one’s a biggie), and I ate the right amount at the right times and wrote it all down in my food journal. Christmas break was fantastic, but it really is nice to be ‘working hard’ instead of ‘hardly working’.

Speaking of the food journal, I really like this new ‘diet’. All my friends freaked out when I told them that I’d be doing this, but it seems more like a healthy way of eating than a diet. And I’m not trying to lose a bunch of weight. Mom usually cooks meals like the ones in the book that we got, and I usually eat the right portions. My problem is snacking a lot in between meals, snacking while I’m reading, and snacking when I’m bored. So basically I’m just regulating when I eat and making sure that what I do eat has all the right things.

Lately I’ve been knitting a scarf. It’s loooong with chunky bright green and bright blue stripes. I’m very proud of her. As soon as I’m done I will take a picture and post it on the blog!

Here’s a big shout out to my cousin Kylee, who went through my entire Betty Blonde archive in one sitting, poor thing. And she left 7 whole comments for me to relish! 😀

One more shout out to Mrs. G… I loved your idea for my blog, and I will use it as soon as I have the time. Hopefully I’ll write about it tonight.

Back to work 2009

We had a great Christmas break.  Here is some of what we did:

The kids start school again today.  Our main efforts for the next couple of months will be to get ready for and take the ACT and several CLEP tests.  In addition, Kelly will try to finish up Geometry so she can go on to pre-calculus by the end of February.  Christian will try to finish up Algebra II so he can move on to Geometry in that same time frame.  As for me, I have my work cut out for me in my efforts to add functionality to our product so we can expand our customer base by the end of March.  It is a very difficult problem, but that is good.  In two weeks, we will go to Tennessee to be with some of our homeschool friends over the MLK weekend.

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