"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

Ode to an Olive

I wrote this silly little poem for my blog’s bi-weekly writing challenge. This week’s topic was ‘your least favorite food and why you like it’ but it basically got shortened to ‘your least favorite food’. Which is fine, because who can write good things about their least favorite food?  Not me. I shoulda known better. 😉

Ode to an Olive
By Kelly Chapman

Oh round little veggie
thy blackness so deep
utterly entrances
with nauseating mystique

So supple, yet hard
thy firm shiny shell
giveth an odor
that does not bode well-

-with my fragile proboscis
Ah what a shame
I’d eat you in bushels
if it weren’t for the pain-

-of enduring your
succulent salty sweet taste
But alas my poor taste-buds
are simply disgraced-

-at the mere thought of seeing you
now isn’t that sad?
It’s not your fault poor olive
that you taste so bad

Fabulous, isn’t it? Anyway I am quite proud of that. Got to scoot off to guitar lessons, but I didn’t want to leave my dear readers hanging!



Marvin Olasky and Bend, Oregon


Kelly hosts a sleepover


  1. oooops… i wrote it as Dad again. Sorry!!!

  2. Dad

    That’s OK. I fixed it.

  3. Dad

    I know this could not have been written by you because we all know that we love ALL foods. Right? 🙂 Actually, I loved the poem and think you should let Christian and I eat all the olives!

  4. Kelly, I think your poem is fabulous. It brought to mind all sorts of images of wrinkled noses, furrowed brows and just plain ol’ disgust!


    PS – I love olives.

  5. Thank you!

    And you are a better person than I am Mrs. Wilson.

    But I used to hate mushrooms and I have learned to like them! We’ll see if I can work on the olives. 😉

  6. Youngin

    AWESOME poem! Troy would agree with your sentiments. Wanna go to Greece?

  7. Thanks!

    I think I blew it though… are olives a vegetable or a fruit?

  8. Ruthie

    Cute…and finely written, I might add.

  9. JoAnn Waldo

    Kelly, I loved your poem and the sentiments even though I personally LOVE all Olives, green, black etc. Maybe most kids don’t like them either at the beginning but they LOVE putting them on all their fingers and in order to get more, they have to eat the ones they have?

  10. Dad

    JoAnn, that is EXACTLY how it happened to me. I was at my Grandma J’s house in Cottage Grove. It was Thanksgiving. All my cousins were having a great time. I hated black olives, but it was too fun not to try. Before I knew it, I had crossed the barrier, saw the light, and gained a lifelong love of olives! But my tastes only toward the black ones. I can tolerate the others, but the black ones are the BEST.

  11. Audrey

    One of my choices for food items was going to be olives! Right on Kelly! Thanks for being such a sport about my suggestion…you could’ve chosen to see it as more home-work type stuff, but you didn’t, and you’re making this so fun for everyone! I’ve got my poem written, and if nothing else, I will post it up this weekend, but I have an idea that may require some technical support from Christian…I’ll keep you posted!

  12. Dad

    Audrey, what happened with the newspaper reporter??!? We are all dying to know!

  13. Audrey

    It’s going to be ongoing reporting/several visits and an eventual “feature article” so we’ll have to keep you posted. Both the reporter and photographer were pretty fresh out of college, so I’m predicting the article will be pretty positive because they will pick up on my attitude and enthusiasm. In fact the photographer called this afternoon (when I was not home) and left a message wanting to come and take more pictures. Pretty cool stuff to happen in our small community.

  14. Dad

    That is great Audrey. You have to keep us posted. I hope there is a way for some of us to read the article, too.

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