"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Revamp of the the websites and a fun weekend

The kids, in no uncertain terms, let me know that I was making a big mistake by changing the website colors. It seems that I am diluting my “brand” as was manifested by Bryan’s comment. So now that I have the colors back to their original state, now I need to get the sidebar over on the left-hand side of the page. I have not quite figured out how to do that yet, but I am working on it. I certainly do not want to dilute the brand. While I was at it, I had Christian GIMP me up an image of the family to use as a logo and revamped the Betty Blonde site, too.

On Saturday, while I worked on the web sites, Christian soldered the crystals into the ham radio kit. He then disassembled, cleaned, lubed, and reassembled the elliptical machine because it had a loud squeak. We all plan to use it more now. There is still just a little bit of a squeak, but the machine runs as smoothly now as when we first purchased it. Kelly drew me up some comic strips to scan in and started thinking about a new logo for the top of the Betty Blonde page that features all the main characters. We decided we want to design a t-shirt to give away to one person per month for anyone who subscribes to the daily emails. So she is thinking about that now, too.

On Sunday morning, we got a call from our friends Albert and Roxanne to invite us over for dinner to their house Sunday evening. We had already made arrangements to have lunch with Troy and Youngin after meeting. I think I took major advantage of the poor newlyweds. They bought lunch, so I had one of those super maximum über burritos. Then we went home, I did the kids weekly work assignment sheets and we all piled in the car to go to Wendell. We had a GREAT time. Leonard and Lisa and their family of four homeschoolers were their for a grand total of seven kids not including the baby. We had AWESOME barbecue ribs and chicken, an amazing salad, dessert–the WORKS! Albert and Roxanne are a well oiled machine when it comes to entertaining people.

Of course, none of this weekend was particularly good for the diet. The kids tell me I write that I have fallen off the wagon on my diet every weekend, so I won’t write that. The fact of the the matter is, though, that I did fall off the wagon on the diet. I hopped back on this morning, all fat and happy.


ACT Essay Numero 3


Catching up on math


  1. Aunt Julia

    Hey would you fix Betty Blonde! I got Friday’s comic in today’s email and I need to see what is happening today!! Monday Jan. 12…

  2. Karen

    Too funny! Our kids don’t let much slip past do they! Remember I get 5 opinions – I should say 6 – not just 2!! LOL! But I must say they were right and this coming from me who changes the colors and background often! LOL! So you’ll have to take it lightly since I’m guilty! Also tell Christian he did a very delightful job on the family picture!! I really like it and it makes your page!

  3. Dad

    Aunt Julia, I sent you an email. Mine came to me OK. Could you let me know if I blew it?

    Karen, That is hilarious. I guess I should not complain too much until I walk in someone with 5 kids shoes! And you have a WILD diversity of opinion with that many expressing their opinion, too. All pass the kudos on to Christian for the photo. I thought it was pretty cool, too.

  4. Ruthie

    Good Morning, Ken. Since you changed your blog’s “look”, I have only been able to bring up the daily blogs by clicking on the archives; it doesn’t just automatically load the most recent post anymore. For several days afterwards, I just thought that you hadn’t put up a new post and was wondering if anything had happened to you or your family. The tamale making post is the one that shows up all the time. Not that I can’t just go to the archive all the time, but is there anyway to fix this?

  5. Dad

    Ruthie, If it was not for you, I would NEVER get my blog right. Thanks for the tip. I will start working on it tonight when I get home.

  6. I, too, love the family picture. And I really have fun working with GIMP with my old postcards and photos. It’s a neat program and I love that it was free to download.

    We were reading Kaktus Kids and I think Kelly and I share a birthday. I always thought it was so romantic that hubby Thomas could remember my birthday, but later he told me that 327 is the size of a small block engine and that’s how he remembered it, so there ya go.


  7. Dad

    That is AMAZING, Lynn. We were with Albert and Roxanne last night. Lorena and Lexie are one day apart. You, Albert, and Kelly are all on 3/27! I LOVE they way your husband remembers your birthday. He must be a very smart and wise man to have thought of that. It is probably just two things he love very much–your birthday and one of the great engines of our time.

  8. Catherine

    I volunteer myself as the first monthly winner of the Betty Blonde t-shirt. Just kidding…well only sorta. 😉

    Ken, if only you would have come ice skating with us this weekend then your diet problem wouldn’t have had such an issue. 🙂

  9. Dad

    With our current mailing list, the most it would take you to “win” a t-shirt is about three months! I think you were absolutely right about the ice skating. Not only would I have gotten all that exercise, I would have been too sore to get out of bed to eat. A DOUBLE benefit. I will have to strap on the skates next time!

  10. Just in case… I’m now a size LARGE. Last year it was XL. 😉

  11. Dad

    Bryan, it is very, very scary to me that we now wear the same size t-shirt.

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