"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Screwtape Letters

I started this book today. It is very well written and witty, but the important part is that it made me think. Devils are very real and powerful beings, and if we had no stronger God to help us, then that would be a frightening thing indeed. But on the bright side, I remembered something I read in the Bible a couple of weeks ago about everyone having their own angel. Now there’s a happy thought. While I’m on a spiritual subject I might as well mention that Bible study starts today! We had Monday evening Gospel meetings for a while, but now we are back to the weekly home Bible studies. I think (or I hope… heh, heh) we are studying Exodus 3 and 4 today. About Moses and the burning bush and such.

I wrote my 3rd ACT essay today. It’s more ‘human’ and ‘warm’ than before, but I was really running out of time at the end so the whole thing is a little lopsided in the quality area. I’ll post it up on Friday. I thought the book only had three prompts, but it has a list of 10 more in the back, which is a great relief. Kelly won’t be running out of homework material anytime soon.

So I heard on the radio this morning that they are looking for a new ‘Sherri’ to replace the recently retired one on my favorite morning talk show, Bill and Sherri in the morning. Apparently they are taking applications. I would apply, but you have to be experienced (read: older than 25, have been in the radio business before) know a lot about pop culture (read: get People magazine or the National Enquirer in the mail every week and be able name every hit single of the 70’s and 80’s), and be able to relate to moms (read: actual mom). I’m also thinking they don’t want anyone who will blurt out whatever pops into her head. So it looks like I’m out of a job for now… does anyone know if there are any radio openings for too talkative 14 year old cartoonists?


Living in the present


Projects – progress report


  1. This is Lynn Wilson. We homeschool two of our children — Joseph and Michaela. Just found your blog and it is amazing! Just wanted to say hello.


  2. Dad

    Thanks Lynn! I went over to your blog and checked it out. You are doing some amazing things over there. I was excited about your dollhouse blog, too. For 30 years, my father’s company made dollhouse kits with hardwood floors, split shake roofs and all kinds of other things that they sold to Michaels, JoAnn Fabric, and other stores. He sold the company six or seven years ago. Seeing your site made me quite nostalgic.

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