Last night Mom, Dad, Christian and I sat down to watch the Republican National Convention speeches. It is awesome what they can do with technology these days! The speeches were streaming live online for our viewing pleasure. I am very interested in politics (more than I should be at times I think) but I don’t know too much about them because I’m just a freshman. So don’t expect any profound or original thoughts from me, and if I say anything incredibly ignorant, just remember that it isn’t me. It’s hormones*. However, here is my humble opinion of the matter:
I thought the whole thing was simply fantastic. The real highlight of the evening for me was Fred Thompson, one of the few people who didn’t seem to be highly dependent on the teleprompters. He told the story of John McCain’s POW experience marvelously. Some people may think that Senator McCain is playing the Vietnam card too much, but it is my belief that his war experience shows a lot of good things about his character.
Of course it was a treat to get to hear President Bush and the first lady speak. Because of the potential emergency of Hurricane Gustav, the president was not able to come to the convention. He gave his speech over some video talking doohickey. Technology is marvelous. There were also plenty of inspiring stories of bravery, strength, and selflessness. It was really great to watch.
What I really can’t wait to hear is Governor Sarah Palin’s speech. I am so psyched about her!!! I sincerely hope that she and McCain win.
*One of the advantages to being a teenager: everything can be blamed on hormones.