We have gotten off to a roaring start in our homeschool this year! We are in our third week of homeschool. The structure of the work we do has changed a little from previous years. Partly this is because the kids are older, but partly it is because we know a little more about what we are doing and how the kids learn.

For Kelly, that means she is now posting three days per week on this blog. Her topics will vary from week to week, but as a general framework, we have decided she will comment on a news or opinion topic on Mondays, a homeschool topic on Wednesdays, and a fashion/culture/society (girly) thing on Fridays. We will not be too restrictive on topic selection and reserve the right to change the order of things as we learn more about how to do this. I have mentioned previously that Kelly is studying hard for a good number of CLEP tests she wants to pass this year. The first two are Spanish and U.S. History II. She will read all her Sonlight literature books, but there will be less emphasis on that part of the program. Kelly finished Intermediate Algebra (II) this. The plan is for her to take geometry at a little faster pace than we have in the past, but to back down to our regular pass when she gets to pre-algebra about half way through the year.

Christian follows a plan similar to what we have done in the past. The exception is that he will try to take two or three CLEP tests this year. His first test will be the Freshman English Composition test. He took the first test exam in the program we got for him and got a high enough score to pass for college credit, but we will continue all the way through the program to try to get him as ready as possible for the test. Christian is currently in Algebra II. We want him to be very thorough in his studies for a special reason this year. Algebra II is the level to which people who take the ACT college entrance exam are tested. The ACT is one of the nationally normed standardized tests accepted by the state of North Carolina for their required annual testing. Both of the kids will take that test toward the end of the year.

Weight loss death match note: It is good to see Lyle is back in the fight after returning from convention!

June 8, 2004 – Last piano lesson
June 9, 2004 – Remote camera