Christian and I have been talking about projects and what we want to do this winter. The reality is that we still have three or four things in process that we need to finish. The main thing Christian and I are doing together is our cat tower. That should not take more than a weekend or two to finish up, but we are probably not going to get to it until after our trip to Mexico in October. In addition to that, the volcano computer project keeps inching forward. We would like to get it finished by this spring because it can be put into the volcano as soon as the snow melts. We also have a radio to put together, but that has been put on hold, too, until we have enough time available that is not filled with school work. Then, Lorena has some projects she wants to complete with Christian. They two main things they want to do is refinish some chairs and repaint Christian’s bedroom–they really do not like the color they chose for the first painting.

Time just seems to be flying to fast to take on too many new projects. At the same time we want to do all these things, we see college flying toward us very rapidly. We are really going to need to think about when we want to put Kelly into college. It will probably be after next year, but even if we wait for one year after that, it is time to prepare for the ACT, look for scholarships, and identify some possible schools. Christian will probably start the year after Kelly. It really is amazing how short is the time one has with their children.

July 1, 2004 – Selling ESI
July 2, 2004 – What to do on the 4th of July