Maybe I am going to need to start looking into homeschool rules in Seattle. A few months back, the research arm of a large Japanese gauging company offered me a position as a researcher in their Washington state office. It was a good offer for a pure research company, but not enough to get me to uproot my family from Oregon and make up the difference between the housing prices around Seattle and in Albany.

A guy with whom I had worked on a project is a neighbor of the division head up in Seattle. The guy mentioned to me yesterday that a higher position than the one offered to me was coming open and the division head wanted to know if I would be interested given that he could make me an offer better than the previous one. I told him that I would be interested. It was a difficult choice last time, so if they make a good enough offer I would probably go. It would depend on the whole package; vacation, salary, and moving package, but it might be a good move for me.

On a business aside, I have been talking with Dad and Mike Martyn about the possibility of putting together an offering to some of the large retail chains such as Michaels and Home Depot for a birdhouse that contains a wireless camera which can be linked into a television. Video could be viewed inside the birdhouse using an infra-red LED light source. It would be very cool.