The stock for my previous employer went from 23 to 28 in one day yesterday so I sold all the stock I had received in the stock purchase program. I got about $9500 and now I need a place to put it. This is Kelly and Christian’s college money so I am thinking about putting it in either Red Hat (the Linux company) or back in ESI when they drop back down. Probably the right thing to do would be to get into something that is a little more secure so I will look at some blue chip stocks, too. It has made me think that I want to spend some time with the kids during homeschool next year teaching them about investing. Maybe I will learn something myself, too.

Last night we studied both I Kings 18 and Matthew 23 for our bible study. The first chapter was about Elijah, Obadiah, Ahab, the prophets of Baal and the contest to show only the one true God would respond to the sacrifice offered by Elijah. It is the chapter where all the prophets of Baal were killed after Baal did not send fire to burn their sacrifice. The second chapter was Jesus’ harsh criticism of the Pharisees for being outwardly righteous, but inwardly hard and cold. It was a very big warning to me.