Last night, Kelly said, “I am really nervous about my first day of high school.”

We all laughed heartily. Today, the kids are starting into their fifth straight year of homeschool. It has been a great run so far and this year is especially good. Oh, we did our normal, beginning of the year lost book thing–I ordered C++ Primer Plus and and a new CLEP preparation book we are going to try and a book that has been lost. I got quite frustrated, lectured about responsibility, and am thinking about a suitable response. After two weeks of robust preparation, one would think these things would be identified sooner than the night before the start of school. It is not like I am immune to this sort of thing. As I backed the Tundra out of the driveway this morning, Lorena came running out of the garage waving her arms. I had left the cans of soup that I had purchased for lunch sitting in the mini-van.

Speaking of cans of soup, I majorly fell off the wagon on my diet again. I am all the way up to 190 pounds after being below 185 for a couple of days in a row. After our regular Saturday visit to the Holly Springs Library, we went to a potluck for our friend Amy who is moving off to Charlotte with her three daughters. We will miss them, but now have an excuse to get up there on a weekend. I hope they make it down to see us, too. On Sunday, we just had to try out the new Mexican Restaurant in the Beaver Creek Mall after meeting. The rest of the time, all we did was work on homeschool kinds of things and read–munching away on stuff the whole time. For some reason, I had a wild craving for summer sausage, sharp cheddar cheese, and Triscuits. That could not have helped. Nevertheless, it was a very nice weekend.

April 30, 2004 – Collaborating with Nina
April 30, 2004 – Business, Finances, and Robots