"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

The official last day of summer

On the official last weekend before school starts on August 18, we are planning a fun weekend. I have to do a little bit more work to be ready, but most of the time we are just going to hang out together. Lorena and Christian are desperate for some zpizza, so we are going to do that tonight. Tomorrow we plan to attend a going away picnic for a family who is moving from our area up to Charlotte. We still have to buy a thing or two for homeschool–a C++ programming book for Christian in particular, so we will try to head over to Borders on Sunday after meeting. I always get excited about the start of school and with the changes in schedule, we are really looking forward to something new.

The best part of all this is that we have decided to read as many of Kelly’s novels aloud together as we can squeeze in. We could not wait, so we started that part earlier this week. We spent the entire summer reading a book on worldviews aloud and we are continuing to work through the book on argumentation tools. Even though those books are well written, satisfying reads, and quite enjoyable, they are not as much pure fun as novels. I think the joy we derived from reading about Henry Reed, Homer Price, Laura Ingalls Wilder, The Witch of Blackbird Pond and other very exciting peoples adds to our anticipation. These are stellar books chosen by Sonlight. The first one we chose to read is a Newberry Award winner.

Another thing we have decided we need to do with Kelly’s Betty Blonde comic is revert back to black and white comics now as there is just not enough time for her to both draw and color the comics. I recommended that she cut back to three comics per week, but Kelly wants to continue doing it every day. So, after next week, the comic will be black and white except maybe one day per week when she will do a color one. We have not yet decided whether she will make her Friday comic in color or she will create a sixth cartoon each week which we will post on Saturdays. I voted for Friday because of the heavy school schedule she has this year, but am leaving the decision up to her.

So we have all the pencils, clean, new notebooks, and the schedules in place. Now we just need to really enjoy our last weekend of freedom before we dive back into the joys of learning.

The Wittingshire blog had a great video up today that is a perfect segue into our new homeschool year.

Special note to Bryan: Hurry up and lose that last pound so I can put the real Bryan is skinny pictures up!
April 28, 2004 (No. 2) – Stepper Motor Controller ($)
April 29, 2004 – Computer controlled automation project


The new skinny Bryan


The first day of school 2008-2009


  1. Trisha

    Ohhhh I wish I had that video before presentations last week! That is FANTASTIC!!

  2. Dad

    Now you have to tell me about your presentation! I just about died laughing when I saw this the first time.

  3. Trisha

    Well, Another group had public vs. private schools. I would’ve passed this on to them. Our section was Curriculum and how it has changed! I think I will send that link to my instructor though!

  4. Dad

    I am glad to be of help however small. The textbook committee for our homeschool is upstairs frantically searching through their boxes of books because one is LOST and homeschool starts tomorrow. The vice principal or punishment and vengeance is hopping mad!!!

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