"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Mother’s Day

I have been thinking about Mother’s Day lately. Whenever I think of Mother’s Day, I think of a time when I was in college. There was only one year when my mother could not make it to Oregon State’s annual Moms Weekend. B.B. King was in town to perform for the mothers and sons. Mom and I always had a great time at the annual Heckart Lodge Moms Weekend dinner and all kinds of other festivities. I was feeling kind of lonely and had nothing else going on, so I went to the concert. It was a great one. At the end, B.B. dedicated his last song to “all you little mothers out there.” Then he played an incredible, joyful, heartfelt rendition of “As the Saints Go Marching In” with the band of musicians that had already been with him for decades. It brought tears to my eyes. I was kind of embarrassed, but when I looked around, everyone else was crying, too. I remember calling Mom the next day before Sunday morning meeting to tell her I loved her.

Maybe what brought all this on was something my Dad and Mom sent me. They have an old intricately carved trunk Dad bought while he was in the Army serving at Eniwetok on the hydrogen bomb project in the South Pacific. They have kept all our important family memorabilia there ever since I can remember. They went through that trunk recently and sent us a small package of stuff they found that they thought we might like to have. There were some pictures and an old Mother’s Day card I made for Mom when I was in very early elementary school. I vaguely remember making the card. I think it must have been a second or third grade class project at Harrison Elementary school in Cottage Grove. That would have put it on Mother’s Day of 1962 or 1963. It could not have been after that. I remember being quite proud of the card and quite happy to give it to Mom. In honor of Mother’s Day, my mother (Grandma Sarah), Lorena’s mother (Grandma Conchita), my kid’s mother (Lorena), and all you other little mothers out there, here is my card.


Kelly’s braces are GONE!


Spreading mulch on the greenway with Troy


  1. Hunter

    Ok,Christian,I can see the pictures of Kelly now. I don’t know why. I didn’t do anything.

  2. Trisha

    Ken this is awesome. Carolyn

  3. Dad

    Thanks, Carolyn. I actually enjoyed it myself. The funny deal is that I think I did it when I was in 3rd grade. I was madly infatuated with my teacher at the time. I think her name was Miss Rohr and I think she was from North Carolina!


    Dear Sweet Ken:

    Thank you for sharing. You have always had such a special place in my heart and now I see more clearly the reason …. you are just the sweetest, most tender-hearted fellow around! Guess I always knew this but never wanted to embarrasse you by telling you. Now I am ‘old’ and can say what I feel in my heart and you will understand. It is a nice place to be in life.

    Loved the card you made for your Mom all those years ago. Must have really touched her heart. Such a sweet poem too, with the pretty flowers.

    Know you all will be treating your Lorraina to a SPECIAL MOTHER’S DAY. Bob and Darian are cooking dinner for Dana and I. They cooked a standing rib roast last year and it was wonderful. Wouldn’t mind if they did the same thing tomorrow.

    Love you all,

    Glad & Dave

  5. Dad

    Thanks for the WONDERFUL note Gladys. I am really happy that you are going to have such a great Mothers Day. We are going to celebrate with grilled salmon for Lorena and a call to Grandma Sarah and Grandma Conchita on Sunday!

  6. Tio Lauro

    Hello Ken, Yesterday I translated your note to Grandma Conchita. She liked it very much and asked me to thank you and to tell you that she is very happy; she always says that her best gift are all of us; the Family.

    Also, on behalf of all of us we want to take this opportunity to congratulate Grandma Sarah, Lorena, Dayana, Mary, Rosalinda, Minita and all the little Mothers of our families and wish them all the best today and forever.


    “Estas son las mañanitas que cantaba el rey David
    Hoy por ser día de tu cumpleaños te las cantamos aquí.
    Despierta mi bien despierta
    Mira que ya amaneció
    Ya los pajaritos cantan
    La luna ya se metió.

    ¡Qué linda está la mañana en que vengo a saludarte
    Venimos todos con gusto y placer a felicitarte!
    El día en que tú naciste, nacieron todas las flores
    Y En la pila del bautismo cantaron los ruiseñores.
    Ya viene amaneciendo ya la luz del día nos dio.
    Levantarte de la mañana, mira que ya amaneció.
    Volaron 4 palomas por toditas las ciudades
    Hoy por ser día de tu santo
    Te deseamos felicidades
    Ya viene amaneciendo ya la luz del día nos dio.
    Levantarte de la mañana, mira que ya amaneció.
    Despierten Mamas despierten
    Paso el tiempo de dormir
    Ya los gallos muy contentos cantaron
    Ya viene amaneciendo ya la luz del día nos dio.
    Levantarte de la mañana, mira que ya amaneció.
    Quisiera ser solecito
    para entrar por tu ventana
    Y darte los buenos días acostadita en la cama
    Ya viene amaneciendo ya la luz del día nos dio.
    Levantarte de la mañana, mira que ya amaneció.
    Quisiera ser un san juan quisiera ser un San Pedro
    para venirte a saludar
    con la música del cielo
    Ya viene amaneciendo ya la luz del día nos dio.
    Levantarte de la mañana, mira que ya amaneció.

    De las estrellas del cielo tengo que bajarte dos,
    Una para saludarte, otra para decirte adiós.
    Volaron cuatro palomas por toditas las ciudades
    hoy por ser día de tu santo te deseamos felicidades.
    Con racimos de flores hoy te vengo a saludar.
    Y hoy por ser día de tu cumpleaños te venimos a cantar.”

  7. Dad

    Tio Lauro, Thank you so much for making the translation for us! We would very much like to be there with you to celebrate Mothers Day today. Special greetings to all the Mothers, Grandma Conchita, Tia Dayana, Tia Mari, Tia Rosalinda, and Tia Minita. Please give and extra special greeting to Abuelita Rosenda, too.

  8. Eric

    Wow, Ken, you really were a sweet kid!

  9. Dad

    And it was claimed that I was cute, too!

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