I have been working out during my lunch hour on an elliptical machine faithfully for almost four months now. There is a television right in front of all the workout machines. After about I week, I found that even the History and Discovery Channel only had something worth watching about once per week. At that time of the day, the fare tends toward UFO’s and ghost sitings. I suffered through that up until the beginning of May when I finally broke down and bought an MP3 player. I got a bright red Creative Zen Stone. You can read a review of the Creative Zen Stone I purchased here. It was cheap and, as you can see, very small. I think I bought it from the NewEgg website. It arrived the last Friday in April. The next Saturday, I picked up a couple of books on tape from the local public library. I needed something profoundly intellectual to keep my mind occupied during the pain of my workout, so I picked a Louis L’Amour Sackett novel and a book a former ATF agent had written about going up into the hills in the Los Angeles area after a psychotic drug dealer/survivalist. It worked great! It is easy to use for loading and unloading files, listening, and charging. My workouts have been much more satisfying since I bought the little device. The only problem is the library we like in Holly Springs has quite a poor selection of books on tape. I am going to have to get onto their web site to see if I can order some in from other libraries. I also need to start checking out the Gutenberg Audio Books Project, Librivox (I already have a bunch of Gibbon’s, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire from them), and AudioBooksForFree. I will keep you posted.