Work continues on the volcano computer project. Our USGS contact told us that we need to add GPS precision timing capability to the device so we can track the time each image is taken to within 100 microseconds or so. We thought that was going to add a lot of cost to the project, but found this device that should allow us to time the image captures accurately for cheap. We are finding out that there are lots of people who could use something like this. The ability to remotely capture images with a lower power ruggedized device that features an accurate time stamp and some image processing capabilities might be something that is quite salable to field scientists and people who have to track things. My buddy Evan continues to work on the version of Linux we want to use while I am still hammering away at the libraries. With work, school, vacation, and all that stuff going on, it is going to take us several more months to get to the point of taking images on the small computer and a little more time to add the GPS capability and write the application the USGS wants. We are plugging away at it with hope to get it finished by early fall.