"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Grandpa Milo’s eye surgery

The doctors told Grandpa Milo and Grandma Sarah it is very rare when two people in the same family have macular degeneration, but that is exactly what happened. Grandma Sarah went through surgery to repair her problem several years back. Grandpa Milo went through the same surgery yesterday. It sounds like everything went quite well, but he now has to spend the next couple weeks face down. I think it will be significantly more difficult for him to do that than when Grandma Sarah had her surgery. He normally blasts around doing projects in the garden or with our little business in Idaho and he works out at the gym every day. Well, he better be taking his Vitamin D! I just read a very interesting article that talks about that older people can often have a Vitamin D deficiency and that deficiency can lead to depression.

I mentioned that to Grandma Sarah, and as is typical with her, she said, “Oh, I bought a Vitamin D supplement yesterday.” Then she gave me its name and told me way more about it than I really wanted to know. Nevertheless, it is good to know she is on top of it.

Grandpa Milo and Grandma Sarah saw Bryan last week at a potluck to celebrate his brother Vernon’s return from a year in the ministry in Mongolia. They both commented on how Bryan was soooo skinny. They really felt, and I believe it is true, that Bryan should not lose ANY MORE WEIGHT. It would just not be healthy. He really looks quite pallid and weak. I am really worried about him. I know he wants to win the weight loss death match, but from what Grandpa Milo and Grandma Sarah say, he looks like death warmed over. Bryan, for your health’s sake, eat some Twinkies. It will not be worth it to win the match and then just die of malnutrition. We are all worried. Quit NOW!


The Wright flyer at Kitty Hawk


Kelly’s braces are GONE!


  1. Hunter

    You must think Bryan is a fool! 😉 🙂 😀

  2. Dad

    Well, I am hoping!

  3. JoAnn

    Actually Bryan is looking very healthy and quite fit!! Remember I saw him too 🙂 I really do love you Ken! Love, JoAnn

  4. Dad

    JoAnn!!! I thought I had paid you off. He needs to eat LOTS of twinkies for his health’s sake!!! He needs to bail out of this silly weight loss contest! We miss you lots, too!

  5. JoAnn

    Oh My Kelly, You are becoming quite the lovely young woman. I sure do miss getting to see you growing up. Glad for the blog as we can read and see a few pictures of the Chapman household. We got very sad news for us last night. Ryan and Jeannie are moving to Sand Point, Idaho. It seems that his job hasn’t been going very well for some time and he got a opportunity to change and so they are going!! We never like change, especially with our younger couples who are growing into spiritual helpers in god’s family, but they feel it is the right thing to do. They are needed there for sure. Also the second part is that they are expecting a girl!!!!!!!!!!! Here we were going to finally have a little girl to even out all the boys and we won’t even get to see her!! Another family to visit in our travels 🙂

  6. Dad

    Thanks for the note on Ryan, JoAnn. I had talked to him earlier about this. I am glad to see he found something closer to his dad and Jeannie’s. I sure you will miss them very much. I will check in with them this weekend!

  7. Bryan 'the biggest loser'

    60 before 50!! and no going back!! 🙂

    Thanks for the kind comment JoAnn. Several have asked, but NO, I do not have cancer, at least that I know of.

    Twinkies do not sound appealing at all now, but I do remember a time that I could eat a 12 pack!

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