The car is ready, the kids only have a few more small homeschool items to complete, the Rizo family is on the way, and the excitement is building. We are all quite excited to head on over to Mount Bachelor and strap on our skis. This should be a super time. I will try to post some pictures and comments here.

We have finished the 25th week of homeschool, so we have about 11 weeks to go. We should finish Math and Easy Grammar a couple of weeks ahead of time, so I believe the kids will have some free time between when school is finished and we all head down to Mexico. We have changed our Mexico plans now to take advantage of the fact that we get four days off over the Fourth of July weekend. The plan now is to travel to Mexico on June 25. I will return on July 4 and the rest of the family will return on July 22. We are still hoping to get the kids into Spanish classes for a month or so while they are there.