Yesterday Lorena washed the car, got a couple of things on the car fixed at the car dealership, and then brought the car out and cleaned it up on the inside. It is immaculate. It really is like driving a new car now and will be a joy to take to Bend. Then, somehow, Christian was able to fix the garage door that was not going up and down like it should. It is very nice to have that all done. The only thing left is to get a screw to fix a loose cup-holder and we are set to go. I still have to buy a ski coat and we all need to get some long underwear, but we can do that on Saturday. I put up some new pictures of the Chapman women here.

The Rizos will not get here until Saturday evening at the latest. They need to go up and visit a lady they knew from San Diego who is dying. We are kind of hoping they will drop the kids off with us on the way up so we Kelly and Christian can play with them for awhile and show them off to the neighbor kids. The other thing we did was invite David and Gladys Christie to come over to the mountain for a day or two so they can visit with Grandpa Milo and Grandma Sarah as well as have some time with the Rizos.

Homeschool is going great. Our plan is to be in the 26th week of the Sonlight program when we get back from our ski trip and we are right on schedule. Actually, I think we only have six or eight more weeks of math and grammar so we should be ramping down quite a bit by mid-May. That is pretty exciting. I might have the kids take on a big art project or something like that if they have most everything else completed. We will see…