"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Day: February 1, 2005

Where are we going?

Last Sunday, we had Jay and Karen Nelson and their five kids over for lunch between Sunday morning fellowship meeting and gospel meeting in the evening. Our kids are all about the same age, so the grownups had a nice chance to talk while the kids were out playing after we ate. We talked about God, family, life, our kids, making a living, and everything else that comes up in those rare opportunities for talking about whatever you want as opposed to what you are trying to get done. We even had time to take a pleasant drive through a new neighborhood going up near by just to see how it was going. In talking about the challenges of paying the mortgage, raising children to fear God, and setting appropriate priorities for where we are in life, I really got to thinking about “the big picture…”

Another government school day off

The government school in our area has so many teacher in-service, conference preparation, and educational days off it is hard to keep track of them. Every time we turn around the neighborhood kids are home again during what for us would be a normal school day. Yesterday was one of those days and today is another one. It was such a beautiful day yesterday that I gave the kids half a day off and will give them another half day today so they can play with the other kids. I really do not see how they get anything done…

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