My brother-in-law, Rigoberto and his bride of less than a year, Minerva (Minita) have both been working for 7-Eleven in Mexico for the last few years. Rigo was recently laid off and was thinking of immediately getting a new job near their home in Monterrey where they recently bought a house. I talked to him several times this weekend and we think we have figured out a way that we can get his work papers because of her degrees in Mexico so that she can work while Rigo gets his Masters Degree.

Minita has degrees in Linguistics with a specialization in teaching English as a second language and Elementary Education. Our friend Susan Rodriguez is the principal at a public bi-lingual elementary school in the town of Cornelius where Lorena and I used to live. She thinks there is a good chance, Minita can get the paperwork to work in the United States and a job at her school while Rigo studies for his Masters Degree at Oregon State U., the U. of Oregon, Oregon Graduate Institute, George Fox University, or Portland State Universtiy.

It would be a super opportunity for both of them. They could keep their new house by renting it out, Minita could make enough money to pay expenses and allow them to go back and forth between the Monterrey and Portland at vacation time, and Rigo could get his Masters Degree. With their improved English and Rigo’s new degree, they would be in SUPER shape to get jobs in the Mexico when they return. I hope it all works out.

This weekend, we had Joe Laymand and Kevin Wilson stay with us. They are our ministers and we had a super time with them. We got Christian a Rubik’s Cube that Kevin and Christian both worked on for quite awhile. I need to get Christian a book on how to solve it. I think he would really enjoy it. Lorena and I worked on the yard by moving dirt around all Saturday morning. I did not use the exercise machine at all this weekend, but I got a good shot of exercise that kept me from gaining weight with all the dirt shoveling.