
Last night Christian found a website that shows how to make a pinhole camera out of an oatmeal box. Today at lunch time, I went to Safeway and bought a box so we can try and do that together. The thing that is great about this website is that it not only explains how to make the camera, it also explains how to take and develop photographs using the camera. We will try to start gathering the materials to make the camera. When we have all the instructions accumulated, we will write out our own instructions, build the camera and post the results here.

Kelly is excited about doing a formal dinner for the older ladies who are members of our church here in Albany. I told her I would get a book on how to do that. I ordered a book today from Amazon that does just that. In addition I ordered two books by Jules Verne: 1) Around the World in Eighty Days and The Mysterious Island. Both of them are very cool and I want to read them as bedtime stories for the kids.