We are still waiting for the Sonlight catalog and I do not know whether there is much hope of it arriving by the weekend. I probably will not get a chance to look at it anyway as we will be spending the weekend celebrating Mothers Day at Depoe Bay on the coast with Grandpa Milo, Grandma Sarah, Uncle Doug, and Aunts Julia, Jean, and Shiela. Cousins Charlie, Amy, Julia, and Kylee might make it, too.

There is a renniesance festival at South Beach State Park south of Newport this weekend, too. It starts at 10:00 on Saturday. We might make it and we might not.

At gospel meeting last night, Kevin Wilson and Joe Layman told us they would be going to our house to spend the night on Friday and Saturday nights of next week. That should be great. After that, they are off to convention rounds probably for the rest of the summer.