Being stuck in the house for days on end does not seem to bother Kiwi. We get so many things shipped to us now that we used to go to the store to buy that she has a ton more opportunities to sleep in confined places. We have found that the antidote to her trying to sleep on our hands while we are typing is to put a small box close to the computer. She cannot resist. Right now, I am hard at work on an article that, hopefully will make it to a refereed journal and then into my dissertation. It is nice to have a companion in my work, but it is a lot easier when she is not trying to sleep on my hands.
Category: Retirement PhD Page 5 of 6
Long time since the last post. I am working madly on my PhD research. The above is the results of a machine learning predictor of stream flow calculated from images. I am amazed how much I enjoy this work. There is no money and not glory in it, but it is very interesting. The above is a machine learning prediction graph that will be part of our first journal article.
I have written quite a lot over the years and have even published a few journal articles. I am starting on what I believe is my first serious technical journal article. We have most of the research complete for the article and I have started putting things down on “paper.” One thing I can tell you about this is that it is not my favorite thing in the world to do. My plan is to do the minimal amount of writing necessary to finish the degree, then relegate myself to the fun stuff of writing machine vision and machine learning code. I hope to relegate my non-programming writing to emails, a letter or two and this blog. We will see how that works out.
I cannot believe I am writing this blog post, but for a variety of reasons, I now spend about half my time programming in python. It is still pretty useless as a tool for doing the thing for which I normally get hired, but it is great as glue, for machine learning, and for other types of utility programming. As or solving hard machine vision and image processing problems–for that C++ is still the king for both speed of performance and speed of development. In both my day job and for my PhD research, I have a lot of the C++ vision code I need already coded up so it runs fast and does what I want. Now I need to make stuff play nicely with GUI programmers and other user so I am doing that in Python. The thing I hate to admit is that I really like it quite a lot and I CAN go faster with stuff like Scikit-Learn, matplotlib, and other great tools.
Today, with the sun shining here in Washington state, it seems to be a good day to discuss my progress at University of Nebraska Lincoln on my retirement* PhD program in the School of Natural Resources. The short version of the story is that everything is going well. I work closely with my adviser, Dr. Troy Gilmore, on research for my dissertation–we talk almost every day. We have an academic poster in progress and have enough research results for at least one scholarly article. The more we talk about what we are doing, the more we believe we are onto something that will be of interest to a lot of people in the world of hydrology.
What we are doing is figuring out a way to measure the water level in images of streams and rivers when normally available data from the United States Geological Survey is available at the site where the images were captured. We have done a literature review and it appears no one has attempted what have already accomplished. That is a good thing. So, my non-retirement, retirement PhD proceeds ahead full bore. The plan is to finish our first pass at the research, publish a poster and a paper or two, then when I retire, take classes to catch me up on the highly technical aspects of Natural Resources Science and Hydrology about which I know absolutely nothing before finishing the writing of a thesis based on research we have pretty much completed (with a few small nooks and crannies we need to fill in).
*Scheduled to retire and go full time on the PhD within about two years if COVID-19 does not foul up our plans.
The retirement PhD project is moving right along. We actually think we have stumbled onto something that might be important. We have had opportunity to work and reflect on what we are doing at a deeper level than might have been possible if we were still living life before the Chinese Corona-virus. We think it has paid off. Today we pretty much came to an agreement on what will be necessary to finish my PhD research. It is a good bit of work, but there is not too much science left because we have already done the heavy lifting in that regard. There is still the significant burden of the taking of classes, passing the prelims, and writing it all up, but that is just work, not invention. The graphs in the image are the result of our special insight. Now all we have to do is see if the NSF or some other funding agency buys into what we believe we have discovered!
Previous: #5 Features for Images in a Folder
Next: Not yet available
This is the sixth in a series of videos I am creating of the research I am performing under the direction of University of Nebraska Lincoln Professor Troy Gilmore to determine whether we can use images taken at the weir on North Platte River at the Nebraska-Wyoming State Line to replicate measurements of discharge and stage by extracting features from the images and using measurements from USGS sensors as ground truth.
This is the first pass of the weir finder. Notice that it starts missing at night and that it is pretty good, but not perfect. We will refine this.
Previous : #4 Features for Images in a Folder
Next: #6: Finding the Weir
This is the fifth in a series of videos I am creating of the research I am performing under the direction of University of Nebraska Lincoln Professor Troy Gilmore to determine whether we can use images taken at the weir on North Platte River at the Nebraska-Wyoming State Line to replicate measurements of discharge and stage by extracting features from the images and using measurements from USGS sensors as ground truth.
It is necessary to search images with odd (non-rectangular) regions of interest. Eventually, we want to be able to set those regions of interest automatically without manual intervention, but they will help greatly in algorithm development to get started.
Previous: #3 Add a Features Dialog Box
Next: #5 Odd shaped regions of interest
This is the fourth in a series of videos I am creating of the research I am performing under the direction of University of Nebraska Lincoln Professor Troy Gilmore to determine whether we can use images taken at the weir on North Platte River at the Nebraska-Wyoming State Line to replicate measurements of discharge and stage by extracting features from the images and using measurements from USGS sensors as ground truth.
Troy had me add the ability to calculate all the image features for a folder and show them in the GUI. This was a relatively minor change, but it works well. It should be noted that only rudimentary image features are being calculated at this point. We will add more, probably many more, features as we start building classifiers.
Previous: #2 Extracting Metadata from Images
Next: #4 Features for Images in a Folder
This is the third in a series of videos I am creating of the research I am performing under the direction of University of Nebraska Lincoln Professor Troy Gilmore to determine whether we can use images taken at the weir on North Platte River at the Nebraska-Wyoming State Line to replicate measurements of discharge and stage by extracting features from the images and using measurements from USGS sensors as ground truth.
Now that we can look at images, Troy wants a way to start adding features that are calculated from the images. This video is my first pass at adding the functionality we need. It is a dialog box that allows the user to see calculated features for a single image or from a folder of features. It presents the features for a folder of images in comma separated value (CSV) format. That will be used sometime in the future to feed the early machine learning.
Previous: #1 Infrastructure
Next: #3 Add a Features Dialog Box
This is the second in a series of videos I am creating of the research I am performing under the direction of University of Nebraska Lincoln Professor Troy Gilmore to determine whether we can use images taken at the weir on North Platte River at the Nebraska-Wyoming State Line to replicate measurements of discharge and stage by extracting features from the images and using measurements from USGS sensors as ground truth.
Troy’s second task for me was to extract the timestamps and other data from each of the image’s EXIF metadata. That task is now complete and is shown here as an addition to the WaterEval machine learning program for which we laid some groundwork shown in the previous video. We will use this timestamps to select the stage and discharge data from the USGS that applies to each of the images. In addition, we will see whether knowledge of the camera settings changes and can also be added as a feature for our machine learning model.
Next: #2 Extracting Metadata from Images
This is the second in a series of videos I am creating of the research I am performing under the direction of University of Nebraska Lincoln Professor Troy Gilmore to determine whether we can use images taken at the weir on North Platte River at the Nebraska-Wyoming State Line to replicate measurements of discharge and stage by extracting features from the images and using measurements from USGS sensors as ground truth.
My not yet official PhD adviser at University of Nebraska Lincoln is Troy Gilmore. We have been talking via video chat and trading lots of emails in anticipation of getting started after the first of the year. To get a jump on it before I start, Troy has provided me with images of a weir on North Platte River at the Nebraska-Wyoming State Line. He directed me to get started on the infrastructure needed to calculate features from the images that are well suited for use to build a classifier using a Machine Learning model. The first thing he believes we need is a tool to view the images, zoom in and out, load and save images and results, etc. This is the first pass at that. I am sure this application will evolve greatly by the time we are done, but this is our starting place.
We got up at 3:30 this morning and Lorena dropped me off at PDX to catch the 7 AM flight to Boston. Just another day in the commuter life. I found the JetBlue routes to Boston only run for five months per year so next month I will probably have to fly from Seattle which is generally way more hassle in terms of traffic. This trip, I am actually doing my first academic classwork for my PhD. Troy recommended I start with a book titled “Introduction to Open Channel Flow” by Glenn E. Moglen. I am just a few pages in, but it looks tractable but a little bit dry (no pun intended). I am going to see if I can work through the problems at the end of the chapter to keep a record of what I am doing.
I have written for quite awhile, but I think it is time to break the hiatus. Nothing much has changed other than that things have incrementally moved forward. I have finished my application to the University of Nebraska Lincoln for a PhD in Natural Resources. My work will predominantly be dealing with the remote sensing of water scenes with cameras to make hydrological measurements. I have actually started evaluating data and building infrastructure to due systematic analysis of a particular set of images at a highly visible site that I hope to be able to talk about more fully very soon.
In addition, I have just purchase my first textbook to get started on the study of hydrology. The name of the book is Fundamentals of Open Channel Flow. The reality is that I am absolutely clueless about this topic and am very much looking forward to figuring out what it is all about. I look forward to posting more about the pain of learning this material because it certainly looks fairly obtuse and obscure!
I have not written for quite awhile, mostly because I did not have much that was interesting to say. Hopefully, that has changed although I think my topic is going to be only interesting to a small select group of people. That topic is the starting of a PhD that will almost certainly not be completed until after I retire in the next 4-5 years. I will list a few of the topics I hope to cover in this first post:
- My educational trajectory and how much or little of that applies to the PhD
- My career trajectory and how much or little that applies to the PhD
- How I got started on volunteer work that opened the PhD opportunity
- What I needed to do to get accepted into the PhD program
- My specific PhD program
- What I want to do with the PhD after I get it
It has been a month or so since I have provided an update on the Retirement PhD/GaugeCam projects–they are kind of tied to each other. Everything is not complete (I think we are about halfway there), but everything that is complete has been up and running for over a month on two separate computers: 1) A Raspberry Pi and 2) a plain vanilla Ubuntu Server. The plan for over the holidays was to jump back in and see if I could get the project to the point where we could do a beta deployment, but that was not to happen–suffered a minor setback due to a cold. So, now I am talking to my buddy John H. down in Arizona (well, up actually, if we are talking altitude and not global direction). Hopefully, I can get him on the project, partially because he is a profoundly better embedded programmer than me and partially because it is a lot more fun to do this kind of thing with a friend. We are still on a long slow approach to entry into a PhD program, but it is still on track. We have added two new sets of functionality that will be required for the GaugeCam work and John will be perfect for that if he has time to do it.
I traded emails with my friend Troy today. We are making a plan to investigate a way to determine the toxicity of the water in agricultural settings by looking at satellite or drone images in a super secret way. It involves both imaging and knowledge of water chemistry. This is one idea we have for my doctoral research (if I actually to that). I am excited. Tomorrow I will write a couple of paragraphs for a proposal that explains my part of this work for a funding proposal that will allow us to gather data to do this. The whole retirement PhD thing continues to inch forward.
This is the first time in years that I have taken a vacation to do just… nothing. Well, not nothing because I have made great progress on the reboot of GaugeCam–the camera based water level measurement system developed in conjunction with professors from NCSU and UNL. I think I am about halfway to the point where we will be able to start hosting water level cameras in the wild again. Today, I was able to implement some new methods to automatically find the water level by evaluating vertical swaths of the area between the bowtie targets shown in the image above. This is a really good, new thing in that the only thing necessary to set up the camera is to tell the system the x-y position of the individual bow ties in the system after the camera is mounted and pointed at the bow tie target. This is much easier than the previous system where it was necessary to follow an elaborate procedure to tell the system how and where to look for the water level. Hopefully, we will be able to publish a paper on how we do this that will help me in my PhD program if I ever get accepted and pull the trigger to do it. I am getting very much closer on all that and have hope it will happen.
I think it is a mercy that one tends to forget how lazy and irresponsible they were in their youth. That is certainly true for me. I took and odd trajectory to get to my Masters of Science degree. It started with a really bad undergraduate degree in Marketing–I do not have the transcript I ordered yet, but I am cringing just thinking about it. That was followed by a thoroughly mediocre (3.00 GPA from a pretty good tech school–the first transcript to arrive), but that should have been profoundly better had I been paying attention. I started out well, but then fell off the wagon for whatever reason. That I got was accepted into graduate school for a PhD and an MS, both in Engineering is almost miraculous. Well the PhD was less miraculous because by the time I did my MS, the blood had started flowing back to my brain and I did a good job. That will be a story for when my other transcripts arrive.
Well, I thought I was going to waffle myself out of the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) because I am old, experienced, and should never have to suffer such indignities again because I have done it so many times in the past. My hopes were shattered earlier this week when I heard from my buddy who had talked to the bureaucratic high mucky-mucks at the UNL graduate admissions office. I indeed have to take the General Test (thankfully none of the specialized tests). So, in the next few months I will have to drive either to Portland or to Tacoma or take the train to Seattle to spend the night with Kelly so I can go to a test center and try to remember stuff I have not considered for over thirty years. I suppose I should not let such a small indignity prevent me from moving forward, but if I am not up to the task it will give me pause–not so much because it will prevent me from entering the program but because I was not up to the task of taking a general knowledge test.