"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

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How to teach computer programming to kids (Part 3) Dillo (Compiling and Linking)

Day 602 of 1000

This is the third in a series of posts on how we taught our children to program, what we did wrong and how we think we could have done better.  You can see the introductory post and index to the series by clicking here.

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In the previous post in this series I explained how Christian got his arms around the software build process using the configure, make, make install process.  A good example of how he got pushed through this learning process occurred on a trip we took to Monterrey, Mexico to visit the kid’s Grandparents when Christian was ten.  The only computer we had to take on the trip was a Dell 1300 that did not have too much power nor too much memory.  The computer was dual-booted to both Windows and Linux.  Christian had a very lightweight browser for Linux called Dillo that did not use very many resources.  It ran in Linux, but not in Windows.  Because of the lack of resources, Christian wanted to be able to run Dillo on Windows, too.

Dillo was made to be used on Linux, so Christian started digging around and found some instructions on how to compile the program for Windows.  Here is a website that has instructions on how to do exactly that.  The problem was that, in 2005, the instructions were not so good.  The normal configure, make, make-install process did not work, so Christian had to look for resources on forums to figure out how to get Dillo to compile and link properly.  The support libraries were not quite right and there were tons of problems.  Christian spent most of the time in Mexico when he was not playing with his cousins trying to build Dillo for Windows.  The make files hold commands that perform the compiling and linking of the program.  He had to learn exactly how the compiling and linking worked to modify the make files properly.  He made some major breakthroughs and felt like he was almost there when we had to pack up and go home.

Even though he was not ultimately successful in making Dillo run, he says this set of events helped him learn more about compiling and linking than anything else he had done before or has done since.  He had to dive into the make files to change the order of the internal commands, learn the structure of folders that held support libraries, and generally just learn a lot of minutiae about the compiling and linking of a fairly large program.  The reason he could stick to it was that he had a goal that he wanted to accomplish.  I think that is a very important principle with respect to learning to program.  It is also the reason class-based learning (of programming in particular) can be very ineffective.

How to teach computer programming to kids (Part 2) Working with Linux – Compiling and Linking

Day 601 of 1000

This is the second in a series of posts on how we taught our children to program, what we did wrong and how we think we could have done better.  You can see the introductory post and index to the series by clicking here.

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We think it was about 2005 when Christian was ten years old or so that he really took an interest in how software works on a computer.  I am not talking about how to use software on a computer.  I am talking about how it actually works.  We had an old Dell Desktop (I forget the model) with Ubuntu Linux installed on it.  All Christian wanted to do at first was install some games and some drawing and rendering programs.  The way you did that with Ubuntu is through the use of a GUI front-end program called Synaptic that managed program installation, updating, deleting, etc. using a program tool called APT (Advanced Packaging Tool).

He got pretty good at that, but the computer was so limited in its capabilities and resources he would often get stuck.  This led him to the use of Google to find answers to his questions about how to get unstuck. The problem was that he often stayed stuck because there were no good answers on the internet, even after a thorough search.  The next step, then, was to ask experts on forums like Ubuntu Fourms.  The answers often came in the form of a command line (non-GUI) process where he had to open up a console to get a command prompt so he could follow the procedures he was given.  Little by little, he got proficient at using the Linux command line to run APT and other utilities, getting help from man pages, and learning Linux’s basic directory structure.

Next, he started to run into programs that were not set up for installation via APT, so he learned how to install programs from the source code.  The way it works is that a program’s source code, usually C/C++ is downloaded from the internet.  It is set up for the computer on which it will be installed and customize for the needs of the user by running a program called configure.  Then a program called make is run to compile and link the program which creates the binaries (the actual file(s) that will run the program).  Finally, make is run again, but with the word install after it so that the program will be moved to the correct folder in the Linux file system so that the user will know where and how to start the program and the program will know the location of other files it needs to run properly.

The set of steps listed in the previous paragraph–configure, make, make install–is the normal procedure used to take programs written in C/C++ as text files, turn them into programs that will run on a computer, put the files in the correct folder on the disk drive, and assure all additional files required to run the program are in the right place.  Sometimes the names of these steps change depending on the computer, operating system, and other factors, but the process is essentially the same.  The problem is that the configure, make, make install process hides compiliation and linking from the user.  That is a good thing most of the time, but a person who wants to learn how to program needs to know how to compile and link a program, not just follow the cookbook configure, make, make install process.

Fortunately for Christian, the configure, make, make install process, for some fairly technical reasons, did not allow him to control the installation of the programs he wanted to run in the way he wanted to run them.  Specifically because of that, he started to read and learn about the compiling and linking process.  For some programs, there are heavily documented, step-by-step procedures to walk through that process.  This helped him understand how a program called a compiler takes a text file that holds a C/C++ program and converts it into a binary file and how a second program called a linker takes that binary file and links it to other program files that it needs to run properly.

It is not possible to program without knowledge about how to perform compiling and linking.  This can be hidden from the programmer in something called an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) which we will talk about later, but it is best to get started just the way Christian got started, learning the command line usage of the compiler and linker because this gives a much better understanding of the process needed to test and run a hand-written computer program.

All of the above happened under my radar.  At first he did this to get games and drawing programs running, but eventually, he just wanted to learn more about how Linux and the programming process worked.  All I really did in this process was provide a ten year old boy an old, piece of trash computer that had no programs on it that interested him.  He did the rest.  I am not sure how I would have taught this to him in a structured way, but I will take a stab at explaining how that could be done toward the end of this series of posts.

How to teach computer programming to kids (Part 1) Introduction

Day 598 of 1000

This is the first in a series of posts on how we taught our children to program, what we did wrong and how we think we could have done better.  You can see the introductory post and index to the series by clicking here.

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We have two children.  Christian was very interested learning to program at a young age.  Kelly was not interested at all.  We systematically taught Christian how to program as part of his homeschool curriculum so that he was able to get an summer internship as a programmer by the time he was 15.  Even though he has sound programming skills, looking back, we think we could have done a better job.  Kelly, even though she was disinterested, would have benefited greatly from some computer programming instruction.   This series describes what we did well, what we did poorly, and our idea of what we would do if we had to do it over.

We started to teach Christian to program when he was about 11 years old.  He actually worked on some operating system stuff both for PC’s and his Palm Pilot before that.  Kelly did not start to learn programming until she was 18 (this year) in SAS and Java courses at college with the exception of some work with the R statistical programming language last summer.  We think we did a good job with Christian and a horrible job with Kelly even though she is turning into a pretty good programmer.  Christan is a proficient programmer in a number of languages including C#, C/C++, Python, Java, and assembly language.  He completed one fairly impressive project, a couple of medium size projects, and is currently at work on a technical assembly language program as part of an undergraduate research in Electrical Engineering.  Even though Kelly does not want to program for a living, as a statistician, she has seen she needs programming as a skill that will help her.  She is pretty unhappy that we did not at least give her some of the basics.

The following is a list of posts I plan to make.  The list will probably morph a little as I progress and grow to as long as it needs to be.

Teacher resigns for a lot the wrong reasons and a few right ones

There is a resignation letter in an article in the Washington Post from a government school teacher to a high school in Syracuse, New York.  The teacher has some interesting things to say about being forced into a corner with respect to how he is required to teach by governmental regulations.  It is an interesting letter, not so much because I think it is right on all the particulars, but because he describes exactly how we felt when we pulled our children out of government school to start homeschooling.  Here is my favorite quote from the letter:

After writing all of this I realize that I am not leaving my profession, in truth, it has left me. It no longer exists. I feel as though I have played some game halfway through its fourth quarter, a timeout has been called, my teammates’ hands have all been tied, the goal posts moved, all previously scored points and honors expunged and all of the rules altered.

The issue was that the government school teachers taught our kids things we thought were wrong.  They were also very inefficient at teaching our kids the things we thought were right.  It seems like the chickens are coming home to roost.  There are lots more things to say, for instance, about STEM, worldviews, and grading, but I have said those things in many other posts over the years.

Why not skip high school? (Part 9) Christian takes Chemistry at Big State U.

Day 591 of 1000

This is the ninth in a series of posts on the benefits of skipping high school and going straight to college.  The introductory post and index to all the other posts in the series is here. You can see their undergraduate results and post-graduate (PhD) chase here. I try to keep the results updated as they occur.

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Christian’s first class at NCSU was Chemistry.  We really wanted Christian to get started the same way as Kelly.  We described in the previous post in this series how we put her in a single summer class to get her started at Big State U. (NCSU) when she started there.  We helped her choose a hard class called Foundations of Advanced Mathematics because we wanted her to get a feel for the difficulty of STEM classes at national research university and because it was the first class she needed for some future sequences.

The reasons to put Christian in the same class were the same as for Kelly, but we ran into a snag.  When we evaluated his whole program, we realized that he was going to have a pretty tough go at getting all his classes done in time to graduate in four years both because of the sequences he needed and because he did not have nearly as many credits as Kelly.  We described all the reasons for that in this post.  We got a little bit frantic, but figured out a way he could graduate on time.  The problem was that he would have to take a Chemistry class in the summer rather than the Foundations of Advanced Mathematics class.

That was all good and well, but there were two problems.  First, because the Foundations class would have to be put off until fall semester, Christian would have to take a very heavy load during spring semester (he is in that right now) so he will have the prerequisites for the classes he needs to take during his senior year to be able to graduate.  Second, he had to pass a test that showed that he had enough skills from previous Chemistry studies to perform well in this college level Chemistry class.  The problem was he had not had a Chemistry class since fourth grade.  He had only two weeks to study before he had to take the test.  To complicate things a little more, he used that same time period to study the material need to test out of the computer literacy class all incoming students are required to take.  It was a little bit of a grind, but he passed both tests without too much trouble.

We did something by accident that turned out to be important later on.  Christian and Kelly took most of their hard STEM classes together at the Community College.  They helped one another and worked together a lot.  What we did not think about when we split the kids up for this summer semester is that we really did not know how they would do in one of these hard STEM classes if they did not have each other.  It turned out OK, but if we had to do it over, we might have split them up for at least a few classes earlier in the process.

The Chemistry class was a joy to Christian.  He feels that if he had had more time to focus on that earlier, he might have even tried to get a degree in Chemistry.  He had to work hard, but got an A.  That he got an A was a confidence builder for his next semester.

Why not skip high school? (Part 8) Kelly takes a mathematical proofs class at Big State U.

Day 590 of 1000

This is the eighth in a series of posts on the benefits of skipping high school and going straight to college.  The introductory post and index to all the other posts in the series is here. You can see their undergraduate results and post-graduate (PhD) chase here. I try to keep the results updated as they occur.

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Learning how to do mathematical proofs for the first time is not for the faint of heart.  We decided it would be good to ease the kids through the transition form Community College to Big State U. (NCSU in this case) with a single class in the summer before entering full time in the fall of 2012.  The class Kelly chose was one called Foundations of Advanced Math.  The prerequisite for the class was Calculus II.  Here is the course description from the catalog:

Introduction to mathematical proof with focus on properties of the real number system. Elementary symbolic logic, mathematical induction, algebra of sets, relations, functions, countability. Algebraic and completeness properties of the reals.

What is not mentioned in this description is that the move from applied math to proofs requires a paradigm shift.  I wrote a little about this class as Kelly went through it here and here.  Kelly had a tremendous professor for this class.  He was a 75 year old emeritus professor who truly wanted his students to learn how to think properly about mathematics.  Here is a quotation from one of the linked posts above about the admonition this professor gave to his class.

At the beginning of the class he said it was possible to pass the class just by memorizing the proofs, but if you did it that way you would lose out on two levels.  First, it would be hard to get a good grade doing it that way.  Second, if the student did not have a “lights going on” experience during the semester, their math world would only involve ciphering and not “real” math.

He was exactly right about this.  It was doubly important for Kelly to have her “lights going on” moment because she would have two key classes called Mathematical Statistics I and II that require the ability to do and understand proofs.  It was not OK to just learn the mechanics of this class.  In her previous applied mathematics classes, Calculus I, II, III, and Linear Algebra, Kelly had Christian with whom she could collaborate when she did not understand.  Foundations of Advanced Math was the first class like this she had to take without a safety net.

She started out slowly. She studied hard, but got herself into a little bit of a hole.  She could do the material, but did not really understand it.  She studied harder and harder as the semester went along, but at the mid-point of the semester, she could do the proofs, but was not really “getting” them.  She studied even harder, late into the night every night and some time, about three quarters of the way through the class, the light went on.  She remembers a precise point when she realized she knew how to do the proofs.  It was extremely exhilarating for her.  She aced the final and got an A in the class.

Earlier, we mentioned that a light load for the first semester at community college served our children well.  Kelly’s single hard class during the summer semester before she started full time at Big State U. was very valuable both in terms of building confidence and giving her a sense for the difficulty of hard STEM classes.

Figuring out how to program Android phones

Day 584 of 1000

Yesterday I wrote about a series I plan to write on how Christian learned to program during homeschool.  My buddy, Conrad wrote a comment about how he was interested in programming Android phones.  That very same day, another friend and I went to lunch to talk about a little Android programming project.  I have always used Eclipse to program Java in the past, but my friend pointed me to about a free, open source IDE for Java called Intellij IDEA Community.  I downloaded it, installed it, and had my first application up and running in an emulator in short order.  I will see how long it takes me to figure out how to get it running on my Samsung S III.  I think I am going to move over to that environment for awhile to see what I think.  My plan is to port BleAx to a cell phone and this might help me kill two birds with one stone.

Intellij IDEA Community edition

Computer programming for kids – a new series of posts

Day 583 of 1000

It is my daughter, Kelly’s, birthday today.  She is now a 19 year old Statistics major at North Carolina State University and is taking her first two formal programming classes, Statistical programming with SAS and Java.  She has also programmed with the R statistical programming language.  She enjoys programming a great deal, but is a little frustrated with her Java class.  Kelly is not frustrated with the material; she enjoys that.  She is frustrated because I taught a lot of programming to Christian, but virtually none to Kelly.

She said, “Dad, why did you teach Christian how to program and not me?”

I said, “Because you enjoyed other stuff like art and crafts and Christian wanted to know how to program his Palm Pilot.”

She said, “You should have taught me, too.  I need to know how to program now and I am having to learn it from scratch.”

“You really have to have something you want to do with programming or it is really boring,” I replied.

“You made us do Mavis Beacon Typing 15 minutes every day for two years and we didn’t have any real use for it until years later.  It was really boaring at the time, but got A LOT out of being able to type faster and better than everyone else.  We are really glad you made us do that.”

All this was true.  I think I failed Kelly in this.  Christian learned how to program on his own, but I bought him the learning materials, made computers available to him, and vmade a program of study that was both systematic and and integrated part of his homeschool curricula.  The reason we did all this for Christian was because he had something he wanted to accomplish. I should have thought to teach them both how to program whether they wanted to or not.  The program we put together for Chrisian has given him a huge leg up both in class and with work opportunities.  Any student who plans to get a hard (STEM) degree, would benefit from such a study program.  I am just sorry I did not do this for Kelly.

I have decided that, when I finish my current series on Why not skip high school?, I will write a series on how we taught Christian to program.  I will link to that series from this post as soon as it is started.

Early math skills

My buddy, Jon from Chile, sent me an article from USA Today that sings from our hymnal.  The title of the article is Studies:  Math Skills can be predicted, improved early on.  It is a great article and pretty close to precisely what we believe about teaching and learning of math, IQ, and how early kids can learn stuff.  I love this quote from the article:

Factors such as IQ and attention span didn’t explain why some first-graders did better than others. Now Geary is studying if something that youngsters learn in preschool offers an advantage.

Large swaths of this blog are written about how we taught math to our kids in our homeschool.  Reading, exercising of memory skills and math made up the core of our educational efforts up through the first grade.  Everything became easier because of that focus.  It must have worked–Kelly is now a Senior in Statistics and Christian is a Junior in Applied Mathematics at NCSU.  This reminds me that I need to write an index to some of the stuff we wrote.  Thanks for the pointer to this great article, Jon!

Why not skip high school? (Part 6) That supposedly thorny socialization question

Day 581 of 1000

This is the sixth in a series of posts on the benefits of skipping high school and going straight to college.  The introductory post and index to all the other posts in the series is here. You can see their undergraduate results and post-graduate (PhD) chase here. I try to keep the results updated as they occur.

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This post is not about socialization in a homeschool.  The move from homeschool to college after the eighth grade at age fourteen is a somewhat more thorny issue.  I have explained why we believe the socialization that occurs in typical homeschool settings is profoundly better than what currently happens in traditional government and private school settings here.  There are links to reasearch and additional articles on socialization in that post.  This post describes some of the things we considered with respect to socialization when we chose to move our kids from homeschool directly into college.


The timing has somewhat to do with the fact that we were not aware that Kelly could have handled college work at least a couple of years before she went to college.  After she passed her third or fourth CLEP exam and got good scores on the ACT college placement exam it became apparent that she could probably handle the academic rigor of college.  Still, we do not think we would have put her in college then even if we would have been aware that she could handle it.  The reason is that she was very young and she would have been attending college on her own.  We think it was good that she waited that extra couple of years during which she took many more CLEP tests for college credit and worked on the understanding the intellectual underpinnigs of our worldview1.

When the time came to consider college for Kelly when she was sixteen, we still thought she might be a little unsure of herself to handle the social aspects of college on her own.  We did not want her to be too far from home and we did not want her to be alone.  By that time, we had been through some pretty rigorous worldview education with both the kids.  Kelly and Christian have always been very supportive of each other, so we thought that, if they went to the Community College together, they would, at least, give each other some moral support and it might not be so scary.  We now knew through testing and for other reasons that Christian could hand college, go we decided to pull the trigger and put them in college together.

The Social Environment at Community College

We were surprised by the high professional and academic standards of the teachers at Wake Tech, but even more surprised and appreciative for the kindness and helpfulness of both the teachers and the administrative staff.  Of course there were a few who did not want to do their job or had (being gracious here) bad people skills, but they were definitely the exception and not the rule.  Our expectations about the students was quite a pleasant surprise.  There was a very interesting mix of students at Wake Tech.  There was a good mix of foreign students, vocational and college prep students right out of high school, people in the work force trying to upgrade their skills or get a degree, and maybe a little bit unique to Wake Tech, soldiers recently discharged from military service at Ft. Bragg, going to school on the G.I. bill.

Kelly and Christian befriended a pretty amazing mix of people.  They made four special friends with whom they remained in contact.  Nestor and Daniela are a brother and sister from Venezuela who come from a close-knit Latin family.  They took the same hard math and science classes as Kelly and Christian.  What was really great about them is that they also had a Latin mother and understood Kelly and Christian in ways that are sometimes difficult for gringos.  Christian still gets to have a class with Nestor and Daniela every now and then at NCSU.

Mike is an Iraq War veteran who pretty much adopted the kids.  They took almost all of their math classes together.  It is hard to over emphasize what a great thing it was to have Mike as their friend.  Make was old enough, mature enough, and sure enough of himself to not care to much what anyone thought about him, including the commie English professor he took one semester before Kelly and Christian got him.  He was unfailingly kind to the kids, more conservative (but not by much) than me, and willing to give the kids advice and correction when they needed it.  They still love the guy and are grateful that Mike went on to NCSU with them.

Finally, there is Mr. McCarter.  He was the kids math professor for Calculus II, Calculus III, and Linear Algebra.  He talked and joked with the kids and Mike every day before and after class.  They send Mr. McCarter an email every now and then to let him know how they are doing.  They owe a lot to him for the encouragement he gave them and the rigor with which he taught his math classes.

The upshot is that Community College was very scary when the kids first started.  They got to turn down invitiations to parties that were illegal on their own right, but would have been profoundly illegal if two underage kids would have showed up there.  The saw lots of drugs, heard all kinds of immoral jokes and stories, and heard all manner of casually used bad language.  They even saw a fist fight our two.  They came away from Community College with their Christian worldview intact and with a good mix of wonderful friends.

The Social Environment at Big State University

The social transition to NCSU was interesting.  It seemed to be a big advantage to not have been socialized in the artificial world that only exist in traditional government and private schools where self-esteem and political correctness are preached as if they were holy writ.  The entire educational experience of most of the kids entering the university was in a highly regulated, institutionalized environment where decisions were made for them about what they studied, when they could talk with a time and place for virtually everything chosen by the school district or state set regulation.  The self-esteem thing was particularly apparent when the kids went to new student orientation.  Since the kids were both in their Junior years in hard degrees, so they did not have to spend much time with the freshmen.  By the time students make it to their Junior year in a hard (STEM) degree, some of the narcissism gets knocked out of them.


All in all, the kids homeschool transition served them very well in their move from Junior high school to college.

1.  See this link on worldview considerations.

Why not skip high school? (Part 1) Introduction

Day 572 of 1000

This is the first in a series of posts on the benefits of skipping high school and going straight to college.  The introductory post and index to all the other posts in the series is here. You can see their undergraduate results and post-graduate (PhD) chase here. I try to keep the results updated as they occur.

[Next post in series]

People send in questions and I try to answer them here:  Answers to homeschool questions

I thought I would write a few posts on why we think skipping high school is a great idea.  I will write about the positive reasons for skipping high school, how we did it, and the actually outcomes for our children.  The bad of what passes for a traditional high school education these days seems to out weigh the good by a lot.  Still, I do not plan to write much about the abject failure of the majority of traditional high schools in America–at least not in this series of posts.

We definitely made some mistakes on the way, but it has been fabulously gratifying.  Sometimes we went too slow. Sometimes we tried to go too fast.  We serendipitously lucked into activities and opportunities that moved us forward.  We missed deadlines and made mistakes through laziness, incompetence, and ignorance that set us back.  Most of all, though, we made a plan and then just plugged away at it for about a decade.  The plugging got tedious at times, but we can honestly say it was worth it.  Joy, gratification, and humility are the words all of us, kids and adults alike, would use to talk about the educational path we chose for our family.

I have written an outline for what I want to write and will keep a list of links on this page.

CLEP testing and community college

Day 528 of 1000

I got a nice plug today from a relatively new blog name Joe, Stefani, Faith, and Hope that got me to thinking about some of the stuff we did in our homeschool.  We really do not think we did everything exactly right, but there are several things for which we are very grateful.  Two of them in particular turned out great.  First, the CLEP tests were great and I think we got them just about right.  Both the kids started taking them at about age 13 and kept them up until they went off to community college.  The community college thing is the other thing that was both effective and a super experience for our kids, but I have mixed feelings on the timing.

In terms of the CLEP tests, Kelly took a lot more of them than Christian, and that helped her when she went to both NCSU and Wake Tech, but Christian is a year and a half younger than Kelly.  They started community college at the same time, so Christian did not have time to take as many tests as Kelly.  In my previous discussions, I explain that we did not only take the CLEP tests for credit, but as supplemental subject matter and college preparation material for our regular homeschool classes.  This really worked like a champ.  We were able to prepare the kids for some of the silliness that is taught in many college humanities classes (as well, sadly, as some of the biological and environmental sciences).  The kids were more prepared for college level material than they might have been had they taken the regular homeschool classes without the supplemental CLEP materials.

I cannot say enough good about the kids community college experience.  Our only mixed feelings were that Kelly waited until she was 16 years old to start there while Christian started when he was 14.  We are pretty sure Kelly could have handled it just fine, but it was hugely beneficial that they started school together.  Many homeschoolers start in dual enrollment programs that are offered to local high schools.  I think that is fine, but we are very happy we did not do that.  Rather, both the kids started as full time students.  Both of them took a light load of 12-13 hours the first semester, just enough to be full time.  The CLEP tests they took gave them enough credit that, even after a light first semester, they were ahead of schedule.

The problem with many of the dual enrollment programs is that often they offer a very limited number of classes and there are onerous restrictions on students under the age of 16 years of age.  As a 14 year old, dual enrolled student, Christian would have had to have Lorena with him at all times.  As a fully enrolled student, he did not have that restriction and he could enroll in any class the school offered.  It is very interesting that students who graduate from Wake Tech do better at NCSU, grade-wise, than students who start there as freshman.

We are particularly pleased with the quality and acceptance of their education.  Christian and Kelly both plan to go on to graduate school when they finish their bachelors degree.  Having attended the community college first did not diminish their opportunities for graduate school, work, and internship opportunities.  I will talk more about where they plan to go next.  All in all, homeschool, CLEP testing, and community college have provided a sound educational foundation for which we are very grateful.

Instant messaging with the kids

Day 393 of 1000

I always thought I was a pretty fast typist.  Whenever I instant message with people, I spend most of my time waiting for people to respond.  I was messaging with my sister this morning–she is about the same speed as me, so we can have a great conversation, but then Kelly got on and started messaging with me at the same time.  Christian and Kelly are WAY fast.  I started laughing when I saw her messages start popping up because it is just amazing.  The reason they can type so fast is that when they were both about six or seven years old we did not want them wasting their time playing video games.  We let them play a few later one (mainly Nancy Drew mysteries), but at that age I wanted them playing outside.  Still, I felt kind of bad, so I got a copy of Mavis Beacon Typing.  They each got to spend 15 minutes per day on that during the summer.  They both did that for about five summers and the result is that they are now screaming fast instant messagers.  The law of unintended consequences.

Electrical Engineering 200 – Signals, Circuits, and Systems

Day 390 of 1000

Christian's cool stuff for his Electrical Engineering LabThe UPS guy brought a box of very cool stuff to the house yesterday.  It is all the stuff Christian will use in his first Electrical Engineering lab class.  The capstone project in the class is the building of a voltage regulator.  I have VERY fond memories of my Electrical Fundamentals class at Oregon Institute of Technology back in the 80’s.  I have to admit I was pretty envious when I saw the box.  It had capacitors, resistors, a breadboard, wires, and a ton of other stuff only an EE geek could appreciate.

Most of the guys in a class also bought a soldering iron and some flux core solder, but we had one left over from the radio kit we tried (and failed) to assemble and get to work.  We could probably still get it going, but it would be a royal pain.  Still, Christian got a ton of practice soldering and playing with components.  That should help him a ton in his class.

The class he is in is an analog class.  I hope he gets to do a digital circuit design class before he is done.  That was wildly fun.  I think, though, that era has passed.  Now they learn how to program FPGA’s.  That would be fun, too.  Maybe they have a class at the community college that I could take in the evenings.  As if I have enough time while I am trying to pay for college.

Christian’s Hovercraft YouTube Video

Christian’s YouTube video on how to make a hovercraft is now up to 65,638 hits.  We are amazed it has been going.  He put it up on YouTube when he was 12, so he has been getting over 15,000 hits per year.  If it slows down to 10,000 hits per year, he should hit 100,000 by the time he is about 21.  It is a fun video with lots of comments.  We would really like to do another one, but we need to have just the right project.  We are thinking about it.

A reality check with my buddy Eric

I called my buddy Eric in Southern Indiana tonight.  I need to do that way more often.  He and his wife homeschool their children and have had some pretty amazing results.  They do it a little differently then we did, but then everyone does it differently than everyone else.  We very much admire the way they are educating their children.  One thing we have done is influenced our kids to at least get a Bachelors degree in something hard before they move on to what they love.  If what they love is hard, that is great.  If not that is great, too because they have already done something hard and they will be better at the soft thing they want to pursue as a career.

On the other hand, we might have gotten it wrong.  Maybe the idea that a child/student is following their passion, they will excel more than if they were distracted long enough to get the “hard” degree.  I think maybe Eric has done better with his family in they way the help their children follow their passion.  We have no (or at least very few) regrets about how we did our homeschool.  Our kids are passionate about what they are doing and in a very good place to build a career.  Still, there is another path that is exciting and that we admire very much–the one that allows, even encourages the student to follow their passion–would it have helped Mozart to get a math degree before he dived into composition.

The Wendys by Wake Tech and how to use CLEP tests in homeschool

Day 342 of 1000

Yesterday Kelly and I had lunch at the Wendys over by Wake Technical Community College.  We ate there a lot when the kids were going to Wake Tech because it was so convenient.  While we were sitting there waiting for our food, it dawned on my that this was no longer the official “on the way to school” eating place because the kids have moved on to NCSU.  For some reason that seemed pretty weird.  Then today, a lady wrote a very nice comment about some of the stuff we did with CLEP and homeschool that I have written about in a series of blog posts several years ago.  It got me to thinking.

I miss homeschool, but not nearly as much as I thought I would miss it.  Lorena, the kids, and I really did the very best we knew to do in our homeschooling.  The same is true for the community college.  Maybe that is why I feel a little nostalgic about those times, but even better to have moved on.  Sure, there are a lot of things we think we could have done better, but we really do not know how we would have known we should do them at the time–if you know what I mean.

Now that we have a new school to support, we need a new “on the way to school” eating place.  Even though the closest Chick-fil-A is not really on the way to NCSU, in light of recent events, I think it will be worth it to make the detour–a double reason to eat Chikin.

Understanding the Times–Thank you David Noebel

Day 313 of 1000

Understanding the TimesLately, our family talks about world views, morality, and world events more than has been normal for us in the past.  I think this is because of the election in Mexico on Sunday, the election in the US in November, some Supreme Court rulings, propaganda filled college orientations indoctrinations, events in the Middle East, and our own rapidly changing lives.  In the midst of all that, Christian is selling a lot of our old homeschool books to raise money to buy books, cell phones, and other stuff he and Kelly need for college.  One of those books is titled, Understanding the Times by David A. Noebel.  Kelly, Christian, and I read the book aloud together.  We liked it very much because it pulled together a lot of material we had studied previously into a discussion about world views.

Actually, I have already written about the book a number of times.  You can find those posts by clicking on the following links:

We read a lot of books, listened to audio talks, and watched videos about different worldview issues.  Paul Johnson, Lila Rose, William Lane Craig, Greg Koukl, Dale Carnegie, William Dembski, Stephen Meyer, Robert Spenser, and others helped us to understand the historical reality of the death and resurrection of Jesus, the seminal role of Christianity in science, law, commerce, education, and the emancipation of slaves and women.  They showed us why abortion and homesexual behavior are wrong and traditional marriage is right.  The main thing Understanding the Times gave us was a grasp of how different worldviews understand all of these important topics and what to expect from people who are true to these competing worldviews.

The reason this has all come to mind is that we really tried to give the kids a sense for why they should hold to a biblical worldview.  This book helped tie a lot of disparate topics together into a cogent whole.  The deeper we delved into these subjects, the better we understood the truths on which a biblical worldview are founded.  Understanding the Times did a good job of giving us the big picture when the kids were just starting high school.  It has gone a long way to prepare them for what they have confronted in college.  For that I am grateful.

NCSU First day at University

Day 312 of 1000

Kelly's and Christian's first day at NCSUWe are running out of “first day of school” picture opportunities.  If all goes well, the kids will be off to graduate school in a couple of years, but we doubt whether we will be there to take the picture.  We often talk about the concept of life-long learning, so maybe I am wrong.  I hope so.  Our departed friend, John Sterling often told us about a fellow, I think it was Beach Paddon who just kept going to college.  My understanding is that he got a new Masters degree every now and then.

This is a favorite topic of Charles Murray the co-author of, Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life.  Christian and I have spoken about how cool it would be to continue getting Masters degrees as a hobby after he finishes his “real” school.  That is one way to continue learning, but self-teaching and pursuit of knowledge not readily available in college through alternate means are other good ways to keep learning.  Homeschooling certainly served me well in that regard.  Kelly has a sense for what she wants to do when she gets out of college and she will have to continually study and work to make it happen.  Her school will give her something to do that she enjoys and will pay the rent, but her vocation lies in a completely separate direction.

At any rate, we have hit another milestone.  The kids are stressed and excited.  Lorena and I are a little bit melancholy.

Homeschool and why Stepan never asks “How are you doing?”

Day 106 of 1000 (214.1 lbs.)

I have talked previously spoken about my buddy Stepan from Russia here and here.  Stepan has a family to whom he is very devoted.  He is very interested in assuring his two little girls (ages 1 and 3) get the best education possible.  His oldest daughter started Suzuki violin at age one with a teacher who is serious.  The teacher told Stepan that her students should NOT play anything other that what they given so they would get in the habit of playing ONLY in the most correct way.  Stepan liked that.

The three year old started preschool earlier this year.  As is their wont, the teachers at the preschool had them do some fingerpainting.  Stepan was not happy.

He said, “The only thing they do there is have fun.  She already knows how to use a brush.  Fingerpainting is NOT art.”

He has begun to notice that schools in the United States, public and private, are not so good.  From the time Stepan was very young, he went to school to learn.  There was no fun or self-fulfillment about it.  He believes that life is a lot more fulfulling if you accomplish something.  The only way to accomplish things is to work hard and not necessarily have fun.  He believes the only way his daughters can get a good education here in America is through “home education.”  I concur with the bulk of that.

It reminded me of when I asked him “How are you doing?” one morning when he came into work.

He said, “We never say that in Russia.”

I asked, “Why not?”

He said, “Because, in Russia, it is usually bad.”

“Well, what do you say, then?” I asked.

“We wish people health.”

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