Day 343 of 1000

Kelly studies for Foundations of Advanced MathThe compressed summer semester drags on.  Kelly has spent the last three days fighting the temptation to browse Facebook, Pinterest, her web comic addiction, and the plethora of blogs that she reads.  I moved my computer downstairs for the weekend because it is so hot upstairs.  Kelly babysat on Friday night, but we spent all day Saturday, and every spare minute after Sunday morning meeting studying.  I worked on my day job work and Kelly studied.  Christian did not have it as bad, but he only has one more test on Wednesday while Kelly has a mid-term on Tuesday and a final on Thursday.  How ugly is that.  Kelly did not even have time to go to the YMCA to work out and that is unusual.

The test will be very, very hard and she needs to have the material down cold for Mathematical Statistics I next semester.  The next ten months are going to be pretty brutal, but all our school, up until now, has been leading to precisely this very difficult stretch.  Both the kids will need to remain very focused to pass some very hard classes–mathematical statistics, non-linear dynamics, real analysis, advance linear algebra, modern abstract algebra, design of experiments, etc., etc.  The easy stuff, Psychology, Literature, Speech, History, and all the other liberal arts are behind them.  I do not think these mathematical topics are easy for anyone.  They certainly were not easy for me.