"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Day: May 5, 2024

High water in TX and NE

An insane amount of rain has been coming down in the middle of the country. Here in Texas, we have had consistent rain, day after day, for weeks, to the point that if feels like we are in the Pacific Northwest. With all this stuff coming down, my buddy John, sent me a WhatsApp message asking whether I checked the property we are buying to see if it is inundated. Thankfully, it is not, but about everywhere else in our part of Texas is flooded. Even crazier is the research site at the Kearney Outdoor Learning Area (KOLA) which is one of our main research areas. The water is almost always very far below the blue octagons (which you can partially see in the image above). I would really like to see this in real life someday. Amazing how much water is falling in Nebraska.

Things are moving fast..

…but they will slow down dramatically after we buy the property. We do not think our house will sell immediately so there will be an impatient wait there. After that, there will be a frenetic move of all our stuff from our house into short-term storage and a move to Mexico followed by what could be a year long wait while the house is built. Hopefully, the two month (or so) design phase will coincide with the time it takes to build the house AND the time it takes to get our house on the hill in San Pedro to the point where we can live in it. There are LOTS of moving parts, but this, to me, is going to be another chance to do one more big thing. Actually, it is pretty small in the whole scheme of things, but big in terms of the amount of planning and effort it will take to implement the whole thing, God willing.

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