"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

2008 Weight Chart

*Note: I have the blue color because I now live in the east.
Bryan gets red, not because he lives in the west, but because he is a redneck.
The goal is orange because we are both Beaver fans.


  1. Blienbaby

    Am I supposed to be able to update the graph by updating the spreadsheet? If so, it ain’t so! 😉

  2. Dad

    You have to “publish” the graph by clicking on it and selecting publish. You do not have to cut and paste anything even though it gives you that opportunity.

  3. Eric

    Wow, check it out! Bryan’s weight loss is perfectly linear at y=1.25x.

    Maybe you guys could write a weight loss book where the reader selects his diet by the mathematical function. Ken would write the chapter on the non-linear diet. 😉

  4. Dad

    I don’t know how he does it. He has to combine his caloric output with the exact right amount of exercise and fluid intake. Truly amazing! The real problem is the Bryan only knows how to use a Mac. He is still working on getting his arms around how to use a real computer.

  5. SirLemond

    well… first off… I started on Jan. 31. My data has not been plotted as I entered it in the spreadsheet, but overall… I’ve lost 20 lbs in 21 days.

    Define “real”. I’m sure I don’t want a “real” computer with “real” problems. 🙂

    You make things seem so complicated. Bottom line… Eat Less… Move More… Drink Water. 🙂

  6. Dad

    Mea culpa. I just plotted that so I could show the state of the race because I did not know the real numbers. Why don’t you just start sending me your weight on Friday’s again and I will plot it.

  7. SirLemond

    Just so you have no excuses… here’s how I’m doing it. http://www.medifast1.com/

  8. Bryan

    once again… the ‘real’ graph is really wrong. What happened to my first 15 days worth of data points?

    You may delete this posting after you really fix it. 😉

  9. Dad

    Are you going to look like the girl in the picture when you get done? I really have never seen the changes you made. Are they still there or do they go away after the changes are made?

  10. Bryan

    the changes I make in the spreadsheet remain, and are there when I return later to edit again. ?!?

  11. Dad

    Hmmmm. Are you going to the one at username: chapman55k?

  12. Bryan

    Happy Birthday today to my brother Vern! He is enjoying the first convention in Mongolia today.

    I’m 227 this am. down 23 lbs as of 2/23/08

  13. Dad

    You are killing me on the weight. As soon as you make it, you have to come out here so I can buy you dinner.

  14. Bryan

    2/27/2008 still stuck at 227. not sure why, but I do know the next 30 lbs will be much harder to lose.

    Leap Day cometh!

  15. Dad

    You HAVE to give me a chance to catch up and it ain’t going to be by leap day.

  16. Bryan

    ok…. I figured out why I’m stuck at 227, and it ain’t da scale! As an evening snack, I have been consuming large amounts ( “copious quantities” in home schooler speak ) of those cute little finger carrots, which.. I’ve been told by my health coach, is a no-no because of the sugar content. WHAT!?!? I can’t even eat carrots?!?! k fine… how about pea pods? NOPE!!? Celery is ok… but I can’t fill it with cream cheese of peanut butter so might as well be eating lumber. Cucumbers are ok? who cares!!?? ARGH!

    I better be down in weight tomorrow or I will be down in spirit!

  17. Dad

    Man, there is no WAY I can win. You have a HEALTH coach! My weight coach is a Mexican mother and just wants to keep feeding me tacos.

  18. Bryan

    yeah, you are a VERY lucky guy!
    But you can’t blame anyone else, unless they have you in a straight jacket and are force feeding you.
    anyway… Its leap day and I’m at 225!

  19. Dad

    OUCH! Well, I might weigh myself later. Did you or your “Health Coach” put it on the graph?

  20. Bryan

    Hey! Do I detect a little jab there? I’d be glad to get you a health coach too!
    But only if you are serious about winning at losing!
    No, I need a Computer Coach to figure out how to post to the graph. 🙂

  21. Dad

    I actually think you were doing it right. I was using a different graph in a different place, so I switched back to the one you were modifying. Do not forget to “publish” it after you edit it.

  22. Bryan

    224! Down 26! 34 to go! Almost halftime!

    Feeling SO GOOD! I can see my toes now when I am standing up! And I can even bend over to tie my shoe laces without holding my breath!!! 😉

  23. Dad

    Wow! Dad and Mom have the bedroom with the scale, so I cannot check in the morning (plus I keep forgetting to do it in the evening). I have been keeping up my exercise, but watching the diet is hard with Milo and Sarah here!!

  24. Terri Miller

    222!! Down 28! Almost half way to my 60 by 50 goal!

  25. Bryan


    Ken? you there? Hello?

  26. Bryan

    Ken? anyway to delete old postings?

  27. Dad

    Yes! What were you thinking?

  28. Bryan

    218!! Ken!! Come on buddy!! Soon I will weigh less then you!

  29. Dad

    I am waiting for you to catch up so we can have a REAL race!!!

  30. Bryan

    LOL! You better start running the right direction!

  31. Dad

    You do have a point. Were we supposed to be LOSING weight?

  32. Bryan

    :::::::; hoooo huummmm :::::::
    waiting for you to catch up!!

  33. Bryan

    215…. Yippee!!

  34. Bryan

    214!!! 60 by 50!!!
    Have I caught up yet Ken?

    You Know You Can!

  35. Bryan

    Yikes! I totally fell of the wagon this last weekend. I went snow boarding on Mt.Hood, but obviously ate more calories then I burned. Back at it now… 60 BEFORE 50!!

  36. Dad

    RIGHT ON!!! I am back now with a vengeance after a week on vacation (three workouts in four days)! I have started to get serious about this. I have revamped my eating and am hanging in there on the workouts. We can both make it!

  37. two one three yippee!

  38. Dad

    Wow! Great job. You ARE going to pass me. I am impressed.

  39. Bryan

    TWO TEN!!! Down 40!! 20 to go!! 60 BEFORE 50!!

  40. Bryan

    TWO OH EIGHT!! Down 42!! 18 to go!! 60 BEFORE 50!!

    I worked hard in my yard yesterday, even broke a sweat. 😉 I had a couple extra Medifast meals to help cover the extra calorie burn, and as always, drank lots of water.

    More Great News! I haven’t mentioned it here, but I started both my parents on Medifast 3 weeks ago and they are doing great!! Everyone knows how my mom loves to cook and what a great cook she is, so I wasn’t too sure how they would do. It’s really truly AMAZING! My mom, who is diabetic and is using the Medifast program for diabetics, has substantially lowered her blood sugar readings, is using less medication all the time, AND she has lots 17 lbs! She is feeling SO much better and has a real sparkle in her eye now. Dad has lost 16 lbs, and is doing great as well. One of the important things about this program is to eat the meal replacements every 2 – 3 hours, and they have been diligent in recording what time they eat and what they eat, as well as their weight loss and blood sugars on their daily planner sheets. It has been very encouraging to me to see their progress.

  41. Dad

    Very cool Bryan! Both your weight and your parents. Greetings to Walter and Arlis! Also, I would LOVE to have some before and after pictures of them for the the blog. There are a lot of people who would love to see that!

  42. Bryan

    NEWS FLASH!! Update!!
    Bryan -42 lbs!
    Walter -18 lbs!
    Arlis – -18 lbs!

    BIGGEST LOSER FAMILY TOTAL! -78 lbs!! almost a TON!!

  43. Dad

    WOW!!! I am wildly impressed. As soon as the hit 40 lbs. we need before and after pictures!

  44. Bryan


    Arlis -21 lbs! Blood sugar levels are doing great! Her Dr. is very impressed! and has lowered her diabetes meds.
    Walter -20 lbs!
    Bryan -44lbs! I’m struggling! I need to buckle down and get this weight loss thing over! 16 to go!!

  45. Bryan

    Ulan Bator Mongolia

    My brother Vern is flying home from Ulan Bator Mongolia today. He leaves on Monday at 6:25am Mongolian time, and arrives in Portland on Monday at 12:37pm! Makes for a LONG Monday!

    Portland, OR

    Apex, NC

  46. Dad

    I am WAY struggling right now, too. It will be great to have Vernon back.

  47. Bryan

    TWO OH FIVE!!! New low!!

    60 by 50 with 15 to Go!!

  48. Dad

    Woo hoo! I think my three months of working at are actually starting to change my metabolism a little because I am heading down now a little faster than before.

  49. Hunter

    I don’t see the graph! Were is it?

  50. Dad

    Hello, Hunter. I can see it fine on my system, I wonder what might be wrong???

  51. Bryan

    You can tell when the weekends are by the down dips on the graph! Hmmm… I wonder what the problem is!? 😉

  52. Tio Lauro

    Hi Ken, be prepared for the upcoming Oktoberfest in Monterrey, Mexico: Vitamins & Minerals from A to Z, specially our local “T” vitamin: Tacos, Tortillas, Tortas, Tamales, Tamarindos, etc. etc. 🙂

  53. Dad

    Laurin. I am ready to back on the Atkins diet! Steaks, hamburgers, chorizo, sausage, chicken, cabrito, arracherra, hot dogs, etc., etc. etc. Bryan ought to join us!!!

  54. Bryan 'the biggest loser'


  55. Dad

    Good job, Bryan, but I bet you didn’t eat any Krispy Kremes this weekend!

  56. Bryan

    no I didn’t, but I did have several sugar free oatmeal cookies which probably explains the little weight loss .

  57. Bryan

    I walked into my home tonight, and my mother greeted me with a LOUD SHOUT!! “GUESS WHAT!!!??”
    She had gone to her Dr. today, and her doctor was astounded at her change, especially her weight loss and blood sugar readings! Mom has lost a total of 28 pounds since starting MediFast and her blood sugar readings have been within normal ranges and are less radical. As a direct result, her doctor has taken mom OFF her insulin shots!! And if her readings continue as they are, she will be reducing her oral medication as well!
    Really the best part of it is seeing Mom become much more active, and like Bethany (my daughter) says, she has a new twinkle in her eye!
    Dad is doing well too! He is almost at his goal weight, having lost 26 lbs, and is starting the transition program so that he can keep his goal wieght.
    I’m seem to be struggling to get under 200… but with only 12 lbs to go, I will make it!! 60 before 50!! </b<

  58. Dad

    That is AWESOME Bryan! I am really glad for all of you. I think I am really starting to turn the corner myself. I am going to make a special effort to get through the weekend without blowing it BAD like usual.

  59. Bryan

    Back on the program track after a weekend of over indulging!

  60. Dad

    And all this time I thought the trademark weekend “V: in the graph was just mine.

  61. Bryan

    I’m thinking we should ban weekend weight readings!

  62. Bryan

    Good News: 201!! new low!

    Other News: only 1 month till goal! and still 11 pounds to go! Yikes!

    Looks like I may have to actually start an exercise program as well. Is water skiing an exercise program? 🙂

    As this is Memorial Day weekend, it is good for me to pause and and thankful for the very real sacrifices many have made that have kept freedom alive in this great country and in the world. One of the things I like about where I work is our American Flag is raised each day on the flag pole in front of the business. The act of attaching the flag to the rope and raising it to the top of the pole in the morning before the work day begins does my heart good. Thanks to all you Veterans!

  63. Dad

    Good job Bryan. Ditto on the Memorial Day comments! It is good that we have a day to remember the fallen and even the sacrifices of our Korean War dads. What is the diet status on your dad and mom?

  64. Bryan

    My folks are doing really great on the MediFast program.
    Mom has lost 32 lbs and has eliminated insulin shots and is reducing her medications, per her Dr.’s orders. She is so much more energetic and has started walking, and is tracking her progress with a pedometer.
    Dad has almost reached his goal weight, after losing 30 lbs, and will be starting the transition phase of the program.

    🙂 and me!? only 10 lbs to go!! in 20 days, so… using my NHS math skills… that would average out to 5 lbs in the last 2 days. 10/20*50/60^49

  65. Dad

    Wow! Like you said, you might have to actually do some EXERCISE now!

  66. Bryan

    We (my folks and I) left for Devon Convention a week ago, so I haven’t been online much, or on a scale much either!
    Doesn’t look like I will make my goal of 60 by 50, but I will certainly make 60 while 50! 😉
    Having a wonderful convention! Met Udo and his wife and daughter! I hadn’t seen Udo since before he was married.

    The prospects ARE all fair ahead! 😉

  67. Dad

    They certainly are Bryan. 60 while 50 is WAY good enough.

  68. Bryan

    Well, I am 50.

    Today was cleanup day at Devon. My dear brother, WorkerVern, made an announcement before breakfast that I was 50 today, and wheeled me around in a wheelchair while everyone sang me Happy Birthday. His time is coming!

    I’m a little disappointed that I did not make my goal of losing 60 lbs before my 50th birthday, but WAIT….. technically I have LOST more then 60lbs, it’s just that I’ve also gained some days. 😉

    Today at 198 and feeling GREAT! and only 8 pounds to go! Enjoying my new clothes and seeing my toes. 😉

  69. Dad

    Awesome Bryan. I would loved to have been there. Happy 50th.

  70. Down 55.5!! at 194.5 !!!! I’m almost at my goal weight!

    Thanks to healthy MediFast meal replacements!

    Seriously! It really works! Check out their program!

  71. Dad

    It sounds great Bryan! You are almost there! Very, very impressive.

  72. Hunter

    Hey,I can see the graph now! (huh)?

  73. Dad

    That’s great Hunter!

  74. Mari

    I’m down another pound this morning! 5 more to go before the wedding! ARGH!

  75. Lyle Waldo

    Went off and left my scales at my folks. Hope to have it back the 2nd week in October. Have not come a cross a scale since. hope to be down a few pounds the next weigh in.


  76. Dad

    Excellent!!! I just got back from convention expecting to be up 8-10 pounds, but was only up four. Welcome back to the fight!

  77. Bryan

    The wedding is past! The cupcakes are gone!
    The suits in the closet! The weight loss is on!

    only 1.5lbs to go after a wild weekend of over indulging!

  78. Bryan

    GOAL!! Yesterday, 10-11-2008, I made my goal weight of 190! Losing 60 lbs since Feb of this year. Today, after working hard yesterday helping Mari & Brian tear down their fireplace, I’m at 189.5!

    For all you lurkers out there, seriously, if you would like to lose those extra pounds and be healthy & fit, JUST DO IT! You will wonder like I do, WHY did I WEIGHT 🙂 so long!

  79. Dad

    AWESOME!!! I am truly humbled. Truly.

  80. Dad

    I am glad your are back in this Lyle, but where is Bryan????

  81. Bryan

    I’m right here Mr. Chapman! Maintenance mode!

    I’m now hovering around 190…. +/- 2lbs, and feeling SO good! Loving it!

    Bradley Joyce, my son, is helping me develop my new BeSlimCoach web site: http://www.BeSlimCoach.com still under development, but going live soon!

  82. Dad

    Good for you Bryan–Congrats on the new, already good looking website! I struggled a little with discipline the last couple of days, but am now back on track. I am going to go to around 165 and call it good.

  83. Bryan

    Hey Ken!!

    What do you mean “call it good”?!?! That’s like running a 400 and quitting after 200!!

    The last 200 might be a little more difficult, but it feels SO GOOD to reach the goal! 🙂

  84. Dad

    Well, if I lose 60 lbs., I will be eating into bone! I was only putting up the chart so we would be comparing apples to apples!

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