Three Mexican women form a singing group named Pandora. I do not think they are together anymore, but I like them a lot. Here they are singing El Farsante (The Fraud), a song written by Juan Gabriel. If you are a fan of blues lyrics
Nobody loves me but my mother,
And she could be jivin’, too.
Now you see why I act so funny, baby,
When you do the things you do. –B.B. King
you would love this music. I usually write in this blog after I come into work in the morning while I drink my first cup of coffee. When I write code (or in my blog), I often listen to Pandora (the music aggregator–not the group). When I turned on Pandora, this is the song that came up. It is one of my very favorites. I thought I should share it.
Nobody really has anything to say!
Pues, a mi me gusta esta canción ¡bastante!
¡Risa hacia fuera ruidosamente!
We love it when you work on your Spanish Hunter! Are you studying it now in your homeschool?
No. I used Babel Fish! ROFL!!!!!!!!!! I can’t speak a word of Spanish. Although Spanish would be the most useful language I could learn in today’s world,I would rather learn German or Latin. I actually studied Latin for a while,but mom didn’t like the program. :'( She is looking for another one. I was actually pretty good at it,but it’s been so long I can only remember a few words! 🙁
We were kind of wondering why the grammar was so odd!!?! 🙂 Well we appreciate you trying anyway.
LOL. That’s right! Spanish uses a different order for it’s words.
El Tio Laurin
Esta cancion esta muy buena…aunque aqui en Mexico la gente no se toma un cafecito, se toman una tacita de tequila para escucharla 🙂
¡Por eso Lorena esta encantada con esa canción!