We started early on this year’s summer reading last night. The book we are reading is titled Understanding the Times by David Noebel. The book describes worldviews associated with Islam, Christianity, postmodernism, New Age, and Marxism. It describes how each of these worldviews think (generally) about such things as sociology, psychology, law, politics, economics, history, and other areas. I am sure that the worldview of the author will not be exactly in line with my (our) own worldview, but it will probably be pretty close and it will give us a framework within which we will be able to discuss all these issues. As the Kelly and Christian are getting closer to the point where they will be taking college classes, I think it is a good idea to get them prepared for some of the worldviews with which they will be confronted there. I really believe it is important to understand what one believes and why other people believe differently to be able to effectively sort truth from falsehood. It should be in interesting summer.