Proverbs 16:32 He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city.

Kelly is having several girls over for her birthday party this evening. They are going to swim, eat pizza, do crafts, and just have a great time. I will try to post some pictures when I get the chance. Next week, she is going to start a week of two hour piano classes (camp) with some other of her teacher’s students. I am not sure what all they are doing, but it will include a lecture by a piano tuner at one of the big piano stores and some instruction on playing the harpsichord. Opportunities like that always get me invigorated on whatever is the subject of interest. The last thing I did that fit into that category was to take one week programming seminars at the (now renamed) Oregon Graduate Institute. They were inspirational, educational, and we got free lunch, too! Maybe I can talk my boss into sending me to a Python class.

The kids have a swim meet this weekend in Wake Forest. After the swim meet, Lorena and I are going to drop them off at a bookstore or a library for an hour so we can make an appearance at a company party for our company’s successful laboratory trial at our BIG customer. Nothing ever goes perfectly, but we really did pretty well, so we are going to celebrate a little. With Lorena there, I will have to stay away from the chips and dips so there will not be a huge increase on the weight chart on Monday–or at least one that is not any huger than normal.