"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

Day: February 18, 2024

Visiting the houses

Toda la perrada fueron a ver las casas, la foto arriba y lo de abajo a la derrecha del mero abajo estuvieron tomados por el hueco que va a estar el balcón de la primera planta de la casa del cerro. Estamos super animados con todo. El hueco como esta ahorita esta en la foto de la izquierda de abajo. Los que fueron so Rigo y so familia, Grandma Conchita, Lorena, Lauro, y Lynn.

Graduation portrait practice runs

Lorena is having a great time in Monterrey hanging out with her mom, her brothers and their families, neighbors, and other friends. Last night they went out for cabrito. After church they all got together at Grandma Conchita’s house to eat barbacoa. When they finish and Rigo arrives from the other side of town, everyone is going to drive over to San Pedro to see the current state of the apartment building and the house up on the hill. I am really sad I am not with them. These are the very best of times. Lauro did some practice sketches of my graduation picture and is planning to do both a portrait and an etching to go along with his semi-famous “El Científico” etching. I cannot wait to see the final product. I told him we want to put an etching of this and of El Científico together in a prominent location in the house on the hill.

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