"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

Day: February 11, 2024

Dr. Michael Brown, Jewish Objections Volume Two

I finished reading “Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus–Volume One” by Michael Brown just a few minutes ago. It covered what Dr. Brown titled “General and Historical Objections” and was (trying not to be hyperbolic) enlightening, to say the least. I am now moving on to Volume Two which covers Theological Objections. I can only hope that the second volume will be as good as the first. If nothing more, my improved understanding of my place as a gentile in the spiritual ecosystem God created is very, very helpful to me in my understanding of how to worship better and to advocate for Jews and gentiles both.

Watercolors, day 2

Lorena is on day 2 of her watercolor painting ambition. It is kind of amazing that this is only her second watercolor. She plans to go through this same video tutorial a couple more times before she moves on to another. Not a bad plan. In addition to doing a painting per day, her plan is to save all of these paintings and write the date and the chapters she read in the Bible for that day. I am wildly optimistic that she is going to be very, very good at this over time. I really do not want her to give up on her pottery wheel ambitions to just do watercolors, but I am very impressed with her watercolor skills. I am looking forward to seeing where this goes.

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