The burros in the image live on the farm road that goes to Granbury from our house in Godley. They are part of a beautiful drive that we take often and for which we are grateful because it has a calming affect on us. We started the year by taking that drive to McDonald’s for an Egg McMuffin meal and to pick up a few things from HEB.

This year feels like an ominous start to what could be very hard times in America and around the world. We just live in very odd (to us) times. It seems epically biblical with war in Israel, extreme narcissism and evil permeating western society, extremism in the form of humanism, false religion everywhere else, persecution of Christians and Jews wherever you look, and good being called evil and evil good at every level of society and culture. I am currently reading through Ezekiel in the Bible having finished Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Lamentations and heading into Daniel next. Those people lived through horrific times that saw no end in their lifetimes. That might be our lot going forward. Or maybe not–only God knows. I just want to learn to live at peace with God in whatever the circumstances and find joy wherever I can. I think that entails clinging to the true and good and being an encouragement and a help to those around me.