Christian shocked us all with an amazing gift for Lorena’s birthday–a robotic vacuum cleaner. He got one for himself to clean his apartment and absolutely loved it. I have to admit I was skeptical about how good the thing might be, but have to admit I am a complete believer after seeing it do its thing.

One of the most amazing things about the device is how easy it was to set up. It took about a half an hour to unpack it and get everything installed. Lorena and I can both start it, stop it, adjust what parts of the house it should clean, watch it move around on a map as it is cleaning, etc., etc.

On top of that, the height of devices is low enough that it can go under things that were hard to reach with our regular vacuum. The path in the map in this post is in our bedroom. The side-ways ‘T’ in the middle of the room is the post holding up the middle of our bed. In addition to that, it was able to clean under the sofa and the Barcalounger in the living room. The amount of cat hairs and dust and the repository was nothing short of amazing.

One thing I can say for sure, though, is that it is not really saving us any time because it is so fun that we usually just sit there with a cup of coffee the whole time it is doing its thing.