"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Day: May 18, 2019

Lauro, Jr.’s creative projects

I thought this was a nice picture of my brother-in-law, Lauro, the artist. We have several of his pieces in our house and hope to get more. Right now, he is doing something about which I am very envious. He found an old house in a very beautiful setting in the Mexican countryside that is also close to a town with all the services (Internet, grocery shopping, great restaurants, etc.). The house is old (over 100 years) and was in very bad shape when he bought it. He is methodically turning it in to an atelier. He has been taking pictures of the entire process. It will have living space, entertaining space, a modern kitchen, a beautiful fireplace, and other features. When he finishes the building he will attack the grounds. It is really going to be something when he finishes and he designed it all himself.

DeskCycle desktop display

The DeskCycle thing continues to work out well for me. Here is my new setup. After using the thing for about a week it came to my attention that I could move the display from its bracket on cycle itself to a desktop stand that was provided for that with a long cable that was also provided.

I think the function to convert cycling times and distances to fitbit steps is not quite right (to my favor in terms of steps per mile, but against my favor in translating how much energy was actually expended–the cycle says I did more than I did. Nevertheless, it is a tremendous help and I am learning how to calibrate my eating to match how much energy I expend on the cycle.

Also, I am getting better at ignoring that I am cycling while I work at the computer. This is still going to take awhile, but I think I will get there. I still need to get a better desk chair and maybe raise the height of the desk a little.

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