"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Month: April 2019

Aunt Janet’s funeral

I am going to my mother’s twin sister, Janet’s, funeral today. She was a truly wonderful person with whom I had a very special connections.

Curious deer

This deer came by just now, stood there for a long time eating grass, chewing her cud, and looking in the window. I actually moved around quite a lot, but she did not seem to mind. After awhile she sauntered off.

Lorena and I are trying to figure out what to do next now that neither of the kids will be in the Pacific Northwest. After the weekend party, Kelly told us we should not move away. She wants to have a place to come to that feels like home.

Kelly, stuff like this visitor, our men’s breakfast once per month and a slew of other make it harder to think of leaving.

McMenamin’s in Kalama

Day 28 of 100 (10.8 of 41 pounds) 26.3%
Lorena and I ran down to the McMenamin’s beside the Columbia River in Kalama on Saturday evening. It is a beautiful facility and we enjoyed ourselves very much. We used to go to the McMenamin’s in Wilsonville once a week when we lived there and liked it a lot. The one here in Centralia is really not so good–too noisy and somehow seems to have a culture difference from the ones in Kalama and Wilsonville. It is an hour drive down to Kalama, so we do not expect we will be doing it so often. We had around 30 20-30 somethings at the house over the weekend for a birthday and going-away party for Kelly. It was wonderful.

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