Day 4 of 100 (8.6 of 41 pounds) 21.0%
This deer stood outside my office window about 10 feet away from me on the other side of the glass door. He (It seems like a he–I might be wrong, but that looks to be the start of some horns between his eyes and his ears) happily ate grass while I moved around and snapped a few photos. We see a lot of deer in the yard again after somewhat of a hiatus in the winter when we only saw a few.

It is hard to believe I am a little over 20% of the way to my weight loss goal. I know this whole deal will slow down pretty dramatically after this first jump, but it is nice to see some progress at the start. The first 100 day goal is not the final end of the plan. The final end is an additional 15 to 20 pounds after that. At least that much, but I need to see how I feel before I decide when to stop.