"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Day: February 6, 2019

Centralia is beautiful

Lorena took this picture a couple of days ago after a fairly light snow. Every time I think about selling the place we have a new event that makes me thing we would be crazy to leave. It is GORGEOUS up here where we live. We have our fireplace going now–still learning how to use the thing properly and big plans for the house (still). We do not know what will happen in the future, but we do know the kids will not be in Washington or even anywhere close. We do know that we are going to have to make another move or even several more moves before this is all over. Maybe the move will be just to down-size, but probably the move will be to get closer to family, whether that be Lorena’s family in Mexico or Kelly and Christian up here in the US.

Apathy and malaise in the face of ease

We are now living a life of relative ease. For some reason that makes me uneasy. I have been talking to Kelly about this. It is not that we are depressed or anything, but just not so motivated to do much. Kelly is waiting to start a big new chapter in her life and, in a way, Lorena, Christian, and I are all in that same state. I am close to retirement with lots of interesting opportunities to do side stuff, but not enough to turn that into a real job yet. Christian is a few months away from Graduation as is Lorena. There are lots of things on which we can work, but it is hard to find the motivation. In the mean time, all of us (maybe not Christian) live in nice situations. I think I am going to try to push myself off center and start being motivated again. We will see how that goes.

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