"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Day: February 4, 2019

Maintaining a wood stove fire on a snowy day

It is snowing lightly again here in Centralia and it is very cold (for this part of the world) so I am working on my wood stove fire maintenance skills. I am way past the “getting the fire started stage” and on to the more difficult skill of maximizing warmth while maximizing burn time and minimizing wood consumption.

Lorena and I have so much joy with our wood stove right now, we are considering a wood burning fireplace rather than a gas one. It smells good, it is easy to do once one gets the hang of it and it really is better once you get the hang of it. I cannot believe I am actually saying this, but we like it a LOT!

Seattle Museum of Art

Lorena drove up to Seattle on Friday so she and Kelly could go to the Seattle Museum of Art on Saturday to complete an assignment for her Art Appreciation class at Clackamas Community College. They had a super time. The museum is really not the same level of quality or experience as the NC Museum of Art in Raleigh nor the top three art museums in Dallas, but they felt it really was not too bad. What is especially great about this is that our family got started going to art museums in general when Kelly and Christian had to take a required visit to the North Carolina Museum of Art for their Art Appreciation class at Wake Technical Community College. It seemed like a chore before we went, but every since, we have been big, big fans of art museums and go to them whenever we get the chance.

Lorena’s next visit assignment is to go to a gallery rather than a museum.

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