I lost my wallet on my last trip to Boston and suffered through the pain of cancelling all my credit cards, then ordering new ones along with a replacement drivers license and a replacement Nexus card. When Christian lost his wallet, he did something about it that he recommended to Lorena and I. He bought a two Tile key and wallet trackers. I ordered four of them–two for Lorena and two for me. It is the little device circled in red on my key ring. I also have one in my wallet. The application also allows me to track my cell phone in case it gets lost. The way it works is that everyone who has that app running on their phone knows and broadcasts the location of every “Tile” within Bluetooth distance to a central server. As a user, I have access to that server to see where my tiles were last seen. Christian said it has saved him several times. It also allows a user to tell the Tile to beep from his cell phone. The only rub is the sound is not so loud for an old guy with bad hearing like me, but all in all it seems like it will be a big help! A pack of four of these little Tiles with year-long replaceable batteries cost $60.