"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Day: January 26, 2019

First time with the basement wood stove

Now that the downstairs office is painted and we have our new lighting installed, we decided we would clean out the area around the wood stove and fire it up. I figured there was about a fifty percent chance we would fill the room with smoke and have to use the fire extinguisher to put out the fire, but it all worked perfectly. We plan to start using the wood stove more because it really heats up the whole room. It surely changes the atmosphere of the room to have a fire burning there.

Back to the basement

The main office area of the office in the basement has been being painted over the last week or so. I have been relegated to the dining room table. When I moved back down and was shuffling things around, I found the the lights Gene made for the bean sorting project. I am going to get them sent off to him so he can start sending me some images. We might get lucky and have our original setup work, but I think that is pretty unrealistic. We will definitely have to make modifications quite a few times until we get the whole lighting designed tweaked to the point it works with the falling beans. That is not to mention the fact that we have not even started at all on the mirror setup to see both sides of each bean.

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