If you click on the image (or here), you can see a live version of the new GaugeCam web server. Right now, the program is running on a Raspberry Pi in our house. The reason it is live web page is so professors at University of Nebraska Lincoln and North Carolina State University can critique the design and view adjustments as new features are implemented. There is on-going scholarly work associated with this software. One refereed journal article has already been published (click here) and two more are in the works. Click here to see an article on the early phases of the work on the web site of a commercial camera company (full disclosure–I wrote the article). The goal is to accommodate a variety of sensors that produce 2d and 3d images as well as point measurements and hyper-spectral images. Hopefully, this effort will continue on into my retirement both as a way to contribute and maybe even earn a PhD for this and previous work on similar projects.