"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

Day: November 3, 2018

Election news

We live in interesting times. The most notable non-presidential election of my lifetime is scheduled to take place this coming Tuesday. I am not wildly involved in any of this, but like to know what is going on. I do not trust any of the traditional news sources–we have not subscribed to a paper and ink newspaper for a couple of decades now and we do not have a television. That leaves the internet and, to a much lesser extent, the radio. Fortunately, I think it is possible figure out what is going on better than any time in my lifetime. I will continue to depend on non-traditional news sources and continue to vet my current sources at the same time I look for new ones.

Caldo and home made bread

The fall (the only good thing about Halloween) is when caldo and home made bread season starts in the Chapman household. Really, it has only been the caldo season for the last few years since our bread machine broke. Caldo is beef stew. I grew up eating wonderful beef stew made by my mother, but the Mexican version that Lorena makes has a special punch. In Mexico, it is common to put short pieces of corn on the cob in the stew. That adds incredible taste to both the stew and the corn on the cob. Now that Lorena has a KitchenAid mixer, she has been on a home made bread kick so now it is no longer just caldo. She has made the bread twice, but has not yet got the yeast quantity right, so the bread has been a little flat. She thinks she has the yeast thing figured out now so I have high expectations for the next batch.

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