DadKiwi_workWe love Kiwi, the remaining twin cat sister, but this picture gave me pause. That cat is way too comfortable because she has a nice warm shelf on which to sit after her dinner (at precisely 5:00 PM every evening). The reason she is not sitting at an uncomfortable incline is because I eat to much and do not get enough exercise. Every night after work, I put together a snack and sit down to the computer to work on side jobs and volunteer project that I love. I love them because they are mostly about learning new stuff and being a help for worthy causes.

What is not so fun is eating lower quantities of less interesting food and getting out of my chair to exercise. Well, I have gotten to the point where I realize exercise and a good diet are no longer optional. Maybe this picture was just the thing I need to give me a wake-up call and get me off  center to do something about all this.