BBB_wTightVNCI spent last evening working on the Beaglebone Black embedded computer for our GaugeCam project. I set the computer up to run on the home network, then installed Subversion, Qt Creator, OpenCV, Wt and Boost–the libraries I use to develop the application. It worked, but it worked so slowly I have decided to rethink the whole thing. Tonight and tomorrow, I am going to try to get a cross compiler going so that I can do all my development on my home computer, then just download the program to the Beaglebone. It dawned on me that the Beaglebone might not have the horsepower we need to run the GaugeCam application. If that is true I will have to rethink this whole thing, but I am going to do some testing to see whether it meets our need. The Beaglebone Black is an amazing little computer with great documentation and a very active user community. I still have a lot of hope that it will work.